
Hello, I wanted to take a special moment to welcome you to season two of the Generous Girl podcast. We’re so thrilled that you’re here.
This is a podcast all about generosity, generosity and how it is interwoven into five areas, faith, family, fitness, finance and friendships. On every episode,
we will spotlight one or two of those five pillars. And you’ll hear a story of a woman who has an incredible journey that she’s been on where she was possibly just surviving at one point and now has learned to thrive.
and walk the path that God has for her. Her path is unique, just like each of our paths are unique, but I guarantee you when you hear the story, you will be encouraged and inspired to want to take the next step in your own life,
whatever that step may be. I am with the National Christian Foundation of California here in San Diego. It’s such a privilege to get to gather with women all around the world who want to live a more generous life As we know everything has been given to us from our God who is so generous So our time our talents and our treasures are all his anyways And it’s up to us to get to give those back to him so he can use
them and multiply them and touch many people’s lives So thanks so much for taking time and putting in your air pods and whatever you’re doing in your incredible incredibly busy life to listen to these women’s stories.
We’re so glad you’re here as a part of this community.

Welcome, welcome. Welcome back to the Generous Girl podcast. This is Season Two and we are so excited to kick off the new year of 2024 with a very special guest named Nadya Dickson, who I know you’re going to love hearing her story as a a communicator and professional leadership coach,
Nadya helps high -impact Christian women discover their kingdom assignment while coaching them toward a life of increased margin, balance, and focus in order to exponentially change their world and to extend God’s kingdom.
She currently serves as the national and international director of the Master’s Program for women and her happy places at home in Charlotte, North Carolina. North Carolina, where she gets to cherish time with her husband and her best friend Damien,
and their two grown sons, Alex and Andrew. So welcome Nadya.

Thank you, Kim. What a pleasure to be with you today.

Intentional Living

I feel like you’re the perfect guest to kick off this new year.
And I’m just really looking forward to this conversation. So for the listener who might be out on a walk, might be out on a run, might be watching this on YouTube,
but I think the components that you have to share about your own story as well as what you currently do in your career and your calling, I think there are going to be a lot of takeaways for women,
like as they go into this new year and want to be more purposeful, intentional, leave a legacy, like all with things that we want to do and then in the crazy business of life sometimes we go wait what did I even get done last year or last week or yesterday and I know like all the snows are coming out of the holidays and hopefully we recovered from our sleep and you know it’s post Christmas post New Year’s but I’m
just excited so why don’t we start by why don’t you tell everyone what is your current role I don’t know to it, but go ahead and explain a little more about what is the master’s program and what you do with them.

The Master’s Program for Women

– Yes, thank you, Kim. So the Master’s Program for women is not a degree program. A lot of people ask, do I have to have my bachelor’s degree completed before I go to the master’s program?
The answer is no, Jesus is the master in the master’s program. I highly recommend,
you know, you also pray about joining this program online and seeing, it’s like a framework or a grid that you can put your next 36 months in,
where at the end of it, you’re going to be able to look back and see these components that were just strategically focused on so that it’s not just a blur of 36 months and you just go in three years older.
But what did I really, you know, how did I grow? What did I learn? Or what did I even achieve in these years? areas? So I think it’s a really lovely roadmap for a person who wants to be more intentional and strategic with their life.
So one thing that you brought to mind was you mentioned the word vision. And I wanted to also just add a practical tip here for someone who,
you know, might not be able to do either of those options attended. attend, you know, a group in person or an online group. One thing my husband and I like to do every January is we like to build a vision board.

A Vision Board

So if you’re watching on YouTube, I brought it right here and you can just kind of see some of the things on it. And it’s basically, we get a big piece of foam core, cut it in half,
go to the local, you know, CVS and get a bunch of magazines. And then we just put pictures. pictures on the vision board of things that we might be dreaming of. Maybe it’s going to this beautiful place or it’s doing a certain activity or it’s certain type of food we wanna create.
And we just have enjoyed doing that. We first did one board together and then now we like to both do our own. And it’s amazing when you look at the end of the year, how many of those things like have actually occurred and have happened.
happened? And so I want to encourage people to do that. Like it probably would take you two hours out of a weekend in January to sit down. Maybe you’re single.
Go ahead and do this by yourself. You’re married. Do this with your partner. But just dream. Like allow the two hours in your life to dream of what what beauty might you be able to capture you know in in year?
So, and the other thing I know a lot of people do is choose a word for the year. So last year, my word was abundance. And this year, my word is gratitude.

Word of 2024 – Gratitude

And I think I landed on that word because obviously I work in the space of generosity and gratitude is so tied to generosity. And I think I’ve been so inspired by so many gifts.
on the podcast with the role that gratitude has played in their lives. And, you know, years ago, I led a group with the Anne Voss Camps book, you know, 1000 Gifts and how she wrote down,
you know, just everything she was grateful for. And that was powerful for each of us in that group. So I want to be more focused on that in this in this new year. So anyways,
in the center of my vision board. it will say gratitude for 2024 when I make it. I haven’t made it yet. – That’s so fantastic. I did a vision board last,
actually early this year, or well, early last year, I should say, that came out of a Dream Master Weekend. – Oh, talk about a Dream Master Weekend,

Dream Master Weekend

because that is also a neat concept to share with people. – Yeah, so if you are married right now, it’s a dream. offered to married couples, but we’re working right now on one for singles.
Dream Master Weekend, they usually have them in San Diego, Cambria Pines up in north of San Luis Obispo, yeah, and then also in Dallas right now.
And that weekend is a weekend for you and your spouse to come together and really dream with God. You’re dreaming separately. at the beginning, and then you’re coming together.
There’s a template where you’re capturing all these things and the template superimposes. And you see where you’re really in alignment with some of these dreams, which you would never think until you’ve gone through the exercise because my husband’s an engineer.
He talks very differently than I do. He uses a different language. And what I realized is we really wanted the same things. And so he said, well, let’s work on one of your dreams.
We made a– a vision board and it was for me to go and visit my parents in Canada and take my father on a road trip. – Oh, so special. – And it was, but while you’re in the process of creating this vision board,
you’re spending time in your dream. You’re spending time allowing God to, you know, fill your belief and your faith. It becomes a tangible thing and not so ethereal.
And so as you’re putting it down on your corkboard or whatever you’re using, you have a visual that it says that faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things unseen. It’s like it’s becoming tangible. And once you visualize it, it’s easier to get into agreement with God about it, you know? – Right,
right. – And so anyway, I love the idea. of your vision board, Kim. I think it’s similar to, you know, when you go to these different classes or read the different books about writing down your goals and the power that comes from just actually writing it down.
So, no, that’s great. Thank you for sharing that. And that also reminds me as we’re thinking of in this new year of 2024 was something we had talked about prior to starting this recording,
was the idea of rest. and the concept of SAVA. And how, why don’t you talk about that a little bit because I know that’s also incorporated in the master’s program.
– It is, and it’s really funny because when we talk about the, we do talk about the 80 /20 principle, which is the principle that typically 20 % of what you do the best yields 80 % of your results.
right? And we’re always going after KROI, Kingdom Return on Investment. And so I had one lady ask me a couple of weeks ago, she said, well,
this makes me feel like I have to do more. And I said, actually, no, it means that you’re going to do more of the right thing and you’re going to actually less. And one of the things that we have to practice is Sabbath.

The Sabbath

Sabbath. That’s a stewardship of time. And it’s not debatable, it’s not negotiable. God has commanded that we have a Sabbath, a time of rest,
recreating and coming away with Him, or we will simply burn out. But it’s during that time, when we think about focused time or buffer time,
which is just responding to the things that are just part of everyday life. There’s a time of Sabbath where we come away and just unplug. And that is the hardest thing to do in this life.
And there’s a lot of high achieving women that feel very guilty about not doing anything. It seems to go against their grain, but yet it’s a commandment.
The Marian Martha story. There you go. There you go. There’s a sweet sister. sister in the master’s program that wrote a book called “Mary Morning, Martha Day.” >> That’s good.
>> If you have a Mary morning, you’ll have a Martha day. >> That’s good. >> And Lily is the writer of that book. She’s in Houston. But it’s so true. And for us as women, we’re so used to responding to everything that we put ourselves last.
And Sabbath is so necessary, just to understand. unplug. I am a sanguine. I don’t like not being active and not being with other people,
but God is really convicting me more and more in this year, especially that I need to come away with him. And Sabbath can look different for different people.
Some people run, I hear God when they run. You know, they feel the pleasure of God when they run, right? Chariots of fire. And some people feel the pleasure of God when they run. the pleasure of God when they’re worshiping or playing the piano or writing.
And so we need to discern what that looks like for each one of us. But it really does mean that you’re shutting off the world and getting into,
you know, in the Old Testament, it was getting behind the veil. It was a secret chamber. It was private, and it was intimate, and it was with God. And it’s when we come back out of that place.

Generous Girl Podcast Hosted By Kim Moeller

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