020 – Ash Marsh – What’s the Business of Being a Woman?

Table of Contents

“I think that there’s something about presence that God wants us to have. It’s an awareness. And so, it makes you very purpose driven.
It gives you the ability to align that with what your vision is for your home, or for your business, or for your staff, or your kids, and all that. And honestly, it’s not hard. To me, it’s being present and aware.


Okay, this is going to be an incredible podcast. Just giving you the heads up. The title alone of What’s the Business of Being a Woman?
There’s a lot of depth in that title, and there’s a lot of depth in my guest, Ash Marsh. Stay tuned because you won’t want to miss her story. A story of redemption, beauty from brokenness, being available to the Lord to use her, her husband, the 60 companies they have built, their concept of hospitality to bless their community of Opelika, Alabama that is already reverberating and blessing other communities around the world because of their influence and the legacy that they’re crafting, they’re strategizing about and they’re already planning on leaving that will affect generations to come.
So thanks for being here and stay tuned.


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