030 – Kate Gardner – Praying, Giving, and Living with Purpose

Table of Contents

Princeton & UCLA Formative Years


How Kate’s Parents Modeled Generosity


Travelling outside of the USA


Five Pillars


Relational, Not Transactional


Prayer and Financial Support


Be Involved with Your Finances

And this is a whole area for everybody to understand, and some people are much further ahead of understanding what is my portfolio invested in. And I encourage everyone to look into that, to know where, you know, your money is being invested because that matters also. So there’s a lot. There are always so many things that we can all focus on, and we all have such busy lives. But the one of the goals from this podcast is to the listener, like, listen to Kate’s story.Here are these 5 pillars and focus on one of them and think, wow, I love that idea. I’m going to apply that in my own life. That would be the takeaway from today.Kim Moeller [00:24:42]:Okay. So we’ve done faith. We’ve done finances. So how about friendship?


Kate Gardner [00:24:49]:Yes. So friendship has become such a huge focus of my life and my twenties. It is something Ithink that our modern world allows us, but also, you know, the challenge to really hone in onwho are the people that we want to do life with. You know, one of my favorite things, especiallywe were referencing earlier, you know, keeping up with people from college, there is such capacity to stay in touch Yes. Like never before in our world. But then also, you know, having a longing for depth and one of my favorite phrases in my life has becomes having spiritual family.This idea that I want to have this core group For me right now, it’s been sisters in Christ who are truly there for me, are like a rock and a very life giving foundation for community. And I have been blown away by that.Kate Gardner [00:25:41]:And really even again in my stewardship, having the sense that I want to be someone who is supporting my friends and is willing to kind of lean into what I like to even call relational generosity. One of my favorite very practical ways of doing that has been realizing that I actually have a lot, for whatever reason of female friends who are entrepreneurs.Kim Moeller [00:26:02]:Mhmm.Kate Gardner [00:26:02]:And I really love getting to lean into helping encourage that. Part of that is just my personality and my joy and trying to cheerlead other people, but also, you know, having that mindset of, you know, I like, especially my friends who are going for incredible ways of living their life for theLord, you know, uniquely or creatively. How can I be there for them? And I always think of oneof my favorite scriptures in the Bible, John 15:13, that says, greater love has no one than this than to lay down their life for their friends. And that’s really become an anthem for me of the type of, in a sense, legacy that I want to leave personally is really a a marker on my friends’ lives.Kim Moeller [00:26:43]:

Kate’s 30th

Well, that reminds me of the birthday party you told me about. Share about that because I I lovethat. And we found that we had mutual friends who were at the birthday party.
Kate Gardner [00:26:53]:Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. It’s been a really fun thing for me to process recently. So for my turning30, actually, within this month of May, I was able to put on a a huge event where I featured a nonprofit, actually one of my favorites in this Christian generosity space called Gospel PatronYes. That help people understand the calling as people of stewardship to support people in ministry full time. And so, anyways, I was able to invite just the network of friends that I built. So fun. In my twenties to come and, Yes, it was the most fun.Kate Gardner [00:27:29]:I, as an extrovert, but also as someone who just so delights in trying to create atmospheres of joy and connection, it was definitely a highlight of my year, if not, many years to come. And one other aspect of of that I’ll highlight briefly is also hospitality.


And that’s actually been one ofmy favorite forms of what I see as my creative stewardship as well in the last few years. Ibought a larger home actually pretty purely for the purpose of beingable to host more people.And that is a form of both ministry and generosity that has gone so much further than I even expected that it would in the to the level that people have joked that I’ve run a hotel, for Jesus in the last few years, but I have had so much fun with that too. And and, again, I think just this manifestation of life in community is something that I just feel so passionately about because I think it’s what we’re truly made for in the Lord.Kim Moeller [00:28:23]:Yes. I so agree, and Ilove hospitality also, so I can really resonate with that. And, in fact, that reminds me I saw yesterday on, I think it was Instagram, this woman posted this post o the husband said, you know, keep it simple. Just beer and chips is fine. Don’t go crazy. And then she showed the picture of just the flowers and the candles and, you know, it’s absolutely beautiful. But there’s power in using our spaces, our homes, our apartments, wherever we are, and creating that beauty as a place for people to gather. And I love that you featured gospel patrons.Kim Moeller [00:29:05]:We just held 2 events here in Southern California. So this podcast is called Generous Girl, but those events were called Generous Girls in 1 in Orange County, 1 in San Diego. And we featured a speaker, actually Donna Jones. She’s been on a previous podcast. She’s an author.And then we had a gal from Generous Giving speak, and she talked about just like a an 8 minute generosity testimonial, but, and it was loveliness, you know, great food and shout out to Sarah who’s on our team who just did a beautiful job with everything, but we had just these beautiful charcuterie boards. And, really, what was the purpose? The purpose was to get these amazing women together, kingdom-minded women in Orange County in San Diego, and have a space for conversations about generosity and be inspired by hearing Donna’s message and then have time to share in small groups afterwards. So we’re hoping that this concept can go across the country with the National Christian Foundation because of the power of community.Kim Moeller [00:30:11]:

And and NCF does often play that role in communities of catalyzing the generosity and the people that are, you know, passionate about this. So it was very, very fun. And one other hospitality thing that came to mind when you were talking, I thought I would share is when my kids were little, I you know, you did your birthday party, but it was also a strategic birthday party.You know, you had these incredible people there, and then you had a speaker and just encouraging everyone on their own path. So we did the same thing with the mother daughter cookie exchange. So we had a hundred people that we come at Christmas to our house andmother daughters, and then we had a speaker. And it was like helping the little girls, you know,like no one could wear jeans. It was actually dress up in California, which is rare.Kate Gardner [00:31:02]:And thenKim Moeller [00:31:03]:just, you know, look however you want to look in your Christmas clothing and then encourage manners, conversation, or whatever it was that we were targeting and focused on. But  we did it for, like, 10 years, and it was really, really fun. And I love the hospitality side. So I love that God provided a, you know, a home for you in Nashville that is big enough to have a lot of people there. So that’s wonderful. I think I just keep hearing in your stories of it’s so beautiful how you’ve learned at such a young age, like, what your gifts are, what you’re passionate about, what you wanna lean into. And I just encourage the listener to continue down their own path offiguring out what those things are so you can live kind of the most beautiful, fullest life possible.Kate Gardner [00:31:52]:Thank you.Kim Moeller [00:31:53]:Yes. Okay. So now transitioning into family. ‘


Anything else? I know we talked about, you know,how things your parents did when you were little. Anything else in this stage of life from that pillar that you wanna call out?Kate Gardner [00:32:12]:One of the things I really have gotten passionate about sharing is this multi- generational stewardship piece and it’s something that, as we’ve been saying, you know, listeners I’m sure are going to be all over the place in terms of where they are with, both finances as well as family.But something that I’m really grateful for and I’ve kind of tried to share more broadly now with my story is that confidence that I want to give, especially to parents and to wealth creators who might be thinking about passing down money to the next generation, that I feel like in this area of family wealth, there can be so much fear and so much concern that giving money to kids can ruin them. And, obviously, there are, unfortunately, so many examples in our culture that prove that out, and I do think that it is something to have a real fear of the Lord about. But something that I have really wanted to, in essence, share and and walk out with my own life is that actually allowing for family stewardship to flow even in early or late years of life, like in my case at 21, can actually go on to help people. and their walk with God Mhmm. As well as in their vocation in serving the Lord.Kim Moeller [00:33:27]:Mhmm.Kate Gardner [00:33:29]:And that is something that, especially, you know, in these earlier years, you know, as you referenced, Kim, a lot of thinking around family wealth gets put to when, you know, kids are in their 40’s when they’re, you know, much older. But the kind of sad aspect of that I’ve thought a lot about is those actually aren’t the years that you could do as much with money. Like, it’s actuallybeen me in my twenties, you know, getting to establish my own rhythms of giving. I have a donor advised fund that I love using monthly as a main way to support all of the missionaries and organizations that I’m passionate about. So seeing money as actually a channel by which people can grow and become the fullness of who God’s called them to be rather than this thing that needs to be held back, that needs to be secret until, you know, a certain moment where actually maybe the kids either can’t use it as much or they haven’t actually built the rhythms of faithfulness over years, including when they’re younger to want to lean in in those areas. So that’s just one of the ways of thinking about, family wealth transfer that I, love sharing with people.Kim Moeller [00:34:37]:Oh, thank you. I think that’s wonderful. I’ve also heard from the side when people kids grow upin their, say, in an environment where, you know, almost you hear the successful dad syndrome kind of thing, made all the money, and the child doesn’t know his or her place in that system going forward, that that has like, on the flip side of what you just said, they don’t know their identity. They don’t know where they fit in the family going forward, and I think you’re absolutely right. The more those conversations can be had and that that child in that situation can understand the pivotal role they play in that legacy of that family going forward. It might look very different, obviously, than the parent and their gifts and their calling, but it is understanding what have we been entrusted with as a family? What will be given to me as the child? And thenwhat am I to do with that with my own shape? As we used to say at Saddleback, our spiritual gifts, our heart, our ability, our personality, and experiences. So okay. Great.Kim Moeller [00:35:41]:Great. So good, Kate.


And finally then fitness. So as I’ve said on the podcast before, it doesn’thave to be physical, although we’ve had some great guests regarding the physical fitness sideof things, but it can be emotional fitness. What would you liketo say about our final pillar withfitness?Kate Gardner [00:36:01]:I love it. I love that you have one of these, the fitness focus here. And I love what you just said,that it is truly a holistic way of thinking about our lives and our health. 2 quick,encouragements I love to share with people. 1 is to really, especially, maybe for young people who are listening, but really for anyone who wants to keep growing to think about the idea not just of, you know, investments in philanthropy as an external thing, but really the calling to keep investing in ourselves. And one of the main ways, you know, you reference emotional fitness Mhmm. That I’ve tried to do that is actually to have a real focus in my life, especially in the last few years, on hiring coaches and therapists around me. And it’s something that I cannot recommend highly enough because I think, especially as someone who seeks, you know, to be earnest in my faithfulness to God and my external ministry to people, I really have honestly felt like God has convicted me in the last few years that I need to make sure that I am growing personally in Him at the greatest possible extent. Kate Gardner [00:37:04]:And part of that has been choosing to actually use my financial resources to do that. And I I’ve joked, especially in the last year, that I’m basically paying tuition to all of these coach people as my personal school of life, but it’s really, as I would say, financially speaking, you know, paid dividends in my own sense of growth and and who I am. So that would definitely be a main encouragement. On more of the physical fitness side, one thing I just love sharing about is another practice around both prayer and ministry that I’ve loved, which is to cultivate a prayer list that I actually pair with my generosity. So thinking about who are, you know, missionaries I support, organizations I walk with, churches that I love. And what I’ve been able to do is and that I should reference this has been inspired by an author named George Mueller and a personal practice that he had to craft a prayer list, a daily intercessory list that I then go on a walk and pray over and I try to do so every day. And it’s become basically, people who know me in my daily life well, this is like the stalwart part of my day is when is my prayer rock gonnahappen. And I’ve had so much fun with it.Kate Gardner [00:38:20]:And honestly, you know, usually I try to do it out in creation and, you know, even just 20, 30 minutes, it is just so refreshing for me, both giving me, you know, a bit of that just, you know, walk, you know, physical fitness, but also that spiritual practice again of praying in alignment with generosity and with just people I care about in my life. So it’s something I’ve hoped to want to spread as an idea to others as well.Kim Moeller [00:38:46]:So good. So good. I really am a firm believer as well about if you know the author Pete Scazzaro, Emotionally Healthy Church, And his premise is basically, you cannot be spiritually mature unless you are emotionally healthy. And Yes. Just the individual quest that each of us have to become that emotionally healthy person and to understand our own backgrounds and current situation, relationships to be the most healthy version of ourselves. And it’s a lifelong process for sure, but a very worthy quest to all be working on. You know, it’s the really the opposite of saying, well, that’s just how I am, or that’s just how I was born. That’s just the family I came from.Kim Moeller [00:39:29]:

No. It’s like we all have this ability to be the best versions of ourself with all the different thingthings we’ve all been kind of the the hand of cards we’ve been dealt, the experiences, good and bad, that have happened to us, and then how we understand how the Lord has allowed those experiences into our lives, and then what does He desire for us to do with them to be, you know, the most generous person that we can be as his steward here on this earth. So, oh, that’s fun. I like this this little format of doing all 5 of of the pillars. I’m glad that we we went that route.Okay.

Favorite Book, Bible Verse and Bargain

So at the end, I always love to wrap up with our, you know, favorite Bible verse, current book we’re reading, and then a bargain. Is there anything else before we get to that part? Any other thought you wanna share with the listener or any other story that’s come to mind that maybe you feel?Kate Gardner [00:40:27]:Yes. This has been so fun, Kim. I’m so honored to have been your your guinea pigs, shall I say, and then all all 5 of the the pillars. I love the diversity of topics. I think one thing, especially just thinking, of course, about the name of this podcast, Generous Girl, I I just really want to encourage all the listeners here to feel empowered in their calling to give. And I think specifically as women, we are wired to be encouragers, champions, and there’s such a sweet spot that I feel like God has given us to lean in and to feel like we could really run with our personalities and our wirings alongside financial stewardship. I think again, it’s something that even as we were talking earlier with hospitality or with relational giving, that is actually, I would even call it kind of undiscovered territory that there’s so much more in this area. So one of the things I hope and pray for listeners is just feeling excited.Kate Gardner [00:41:24]:Another thing I just love to leave with people is the sense of joy. I mean, that is why I’ve chosen to live the life I have in my twenties is because of the amount of just honestly giddiness that I get from getting to focus on giving and the way that, again, it has refined me. It’s also challenged me. It’s been such a place of knowing God more in my life. And there’s many sides of, again, kind of the questions around how do you discover what you’re passionate about giving and all of that. But I just hope and pray again that listeners feel urged on in considering this area of their lives.Kim Moeller [00:42:00]:Oh, that’s beautiful, Kate. I I was with someone organization of the organization called him tosay, thank you so much. That was just that’s incredible what you gave us. And he realized this donor realized, wow. Like, even that little bit that I gave made such a difference to this. It was like a skeleton budget that they were working on.So I think sometimes we think, oh, you know, if I don’t have the millions to give and I’m only giving this amount, it doesn’t really make a difference. But a 100%, it makes a huge, huge difference whether it’s $1 or it’s,you know, $1,000,000,000 that someone is giving.Kim Moeller [00:42:46]:And it’s how you’re led and directed by the Lord to give because if your Yes. Heart is beating for this organization, maybe in your local town or it’s a national organization or a global or
organization to give to, then God’s probably giving you the resources because he wants you to be that one to bless that organization. And if you choose not to do it, he’s still going to bless that organization. It’s just somebody else will get that blessing of being able to be the giver and the donor to that organization. Oh, so fun. Okay. Well, always makes me a little sad when we’re at the end, but go ahead and share your favorite 5 bummers.Kate Gardner [00:43:23]:Yes. Well, I’ve already referenced 1, I guess, so maybe I’ll throw in a second. In addition to John15:13 about laying down our lives for our friends, I really love Jeremiah 29:13, another that I’ve claimed for my life, which is that, you will you will find God when you seek Him with all your heart, would be one paraphrase. And again, I love, Kim, just getting to talk with you even today about prayer specifically, and I think I would just encourage listeners to, as always, just keep thef ocus on knowing God. And again, the promise of Jeremiah 2913 is that we we will find Him when we come with that place of our whole hearts being engaged. And, you know, another that I’ll just keep throwing out there now is a classic, of course, John 316. Sure. That God so loved the world that He gave his only son.Kim Moeller [00:44:18]:Yes.Kate Gardner [00:44:18]:That whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have eternal life. And again, I think the way I have been able to reflect in my twenties on this combination of the posture of God as the generous Father, as the one who gives life, gives all good things to us, and then we as his stewards, we as those who through having a personal relationship with him and then also through becoming givers ourselves, that there’s so much of his presence and of feeling that fulfillment in him far beyond, you know, a career or a relationship or things like that that I’ve just become so passionateKim Moeller [00:44:56]:about. Oh, and you can tell. I love the joy that you radiate. And it’s so true. I mean, as stewards,you know, it doesn’t matter whatever each of us have been entrusted with. It doesn’t matter the amount. It just a matter it matters our faithfulness So that when we stand before him and hesays, well done, good and faithful servant. I love what you did with what I gave you.Kim Moeller [00:45:17]:And look at this result. Look at this person whose life was touched. And all of that in heaven is just going to be unbelievable. Unbelievable. Okay. What about a current book that you’re reading?Kate Gardner [00:45:28]:Yes. Well, one I I’ve actually just really enjoyed sharing with people is new and it’s called Lead with Prayer and it’s by, Peter Greer, Cameron Doolittle, and Ryan Skook, I believe they wrote it together. A bunch of names in this kind of Christian generosity space, all amazing people. And, obviously,you know, still on that theme right now of, you know, even those individuals, the authors in organizations, how do we have lifestyles of focusing on, again, prayer being a pillar and and a focus every day. So that’s that’s the main book I feel like I’m championing a lot right now. Oh, no.Kim Moeller [00:46:05]:That’s great. I was in Orange County a couple of months ago, and Peter Greer was there talking about his newest book. And yeah. Yay. Exactly. Wonderful. Okay. And finally, your favorite bargain recent bargain, I should say.Kate Gardner [00:46:19]:Yes. And remind me, the bargain is the language around anything.Kim Moeller [00:46:23]:It could just be you were on Anthropologie and they had a sale. So it still helps someone who’s listeningright now. Yeah. Okay. I never thought I could’ve you know, I could go get the Athleta pants at the store or whatever.Kate Gardner [00:46:38]:Yes. Oh my goodness. That makes me so happy is the question. You know, this one might sound a little funny, butI have become such a fan of basics on Amazon. And what I mean by that is actually something I’m wearing right now. I found these jumpsuits and rompers that are so comfortable and I can buy them in so many perfect work from home attire. I look up Amazon women’s jumpsuits. I am the biggest fan.Kate Gardner [00:47:04]:It’s, typical day in the life right now.Kim Moeller [00:47:06]:Oh, that’s perfect. Yeah. For all of us who are at home and on Zoom, a lovely, lovely suggestion. Well, Kate, you’re the best, and I can’t wait to meet you in person someday. And Yeah. I know it’ll happen. And, thank you. Just thank you for living such a generous life.Kim Moeller [00:47:24]:You have so much wisdom at your young age, and I love how you’re devoting your life to sharing that wisdom through experiences, but practical ways. You’re blessing these non-profits,and it’s all bathed in prayer. So so beautiful, and I think the Lord is just smiling on your your lifeand what you’re doing, you know, with what he’s given you.


So thanks for encouraging all of us.And my hope, as I said earlier, is that each listener, when we hear your story, we take that next step in our own lives. And I think one takeaway for me is related to the the George Mueller side of things. I’m getting a little more tactical with my prayer list in in one place, like you said, that each day that having that list. So that’ll be my takeaway.Kim Moeller [00:48:15]:

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Generous Girl Podcast Hosted By Kim Moeller

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