033 – Laurie Farquhar & Beth Popadic – Building Generosity Through Giving Circles

Table of Contents

  • Laurie Farquhar [00:00:03]:But the walls just do come down to Beth’s point about the vulnerability. It’s amazing. When you get around like-minded women, it’s all of a sudden that the walls just fall down.


  • Kim Moeller [00:00:17]:Have you ever heard of a women’s giving circle? Well, I hadn’t heard of one until a couple of years ago, and it is an amazing concept. So I’ve invited two special guests to share about what is a giving circle and how you can get involved wherever you live across the country. So you are going to love hearing from Laurie Farquhar and Beth Popadic, out of the south Florida area. So stay tuned for an incredible episode coming right up. 
  • Welcome to the generous girl podcast. It is fabulous to have you all here. And I have two amazing guests with me today that I know you’re going to love hearing their stories. We have Laurie Farquhar, who’s the president of of the National Christian Foundation South Florida, and she’s all about focusing on her mission to redefine generosity and reimagine community in Florida and across the country.
  • Kim Moeller [00:01:15]:And NCF South Florida, it think of it as like an ecosystem of networks of generosity, faith, and work, and gospel city movements. Laurie has a background from American Express and Deloitte and is also a co-founder of an organization that fights human trafficking.
  • And then we have Beth Popadic,, who’s the co-director of the Palm Beach office for NCF. And before that, she worked in marketing, donor development, and has been married for 31 years to a friend of mine that I used to work with at my former employer, her husband, Tim. So welcome, Laurie and Beth. So great to have you here.
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:01:57]:Thank you for inviting us. Kim Moeller [00:02:00]:Yes. It’s great to have you here. And as I said in the intro, you both work for NCF and I work for NCF, so this is going to be a fun podcast that, you know, we all have that commonality. But what I really think is going to  be exciting on this podcast is focusing on your work and your familiarity with giving circles. And so that’s one of the reasons why I thought it would be great to have you both on this podcast together.Laurie Farquhar [00:02:30]:Love it. Let’s do it.
  • What is a Giving Circle?

  • Kim Moeller [00:02:32]:How about if we just start, Laurie, by defining what a giving circle is for the women listening who’s never heard of a giving circle? 
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:02:40]:A giving circle is a way to leverage a group of people that come together and give together. So there’s often a kind of a set of rules, like, you can give together at a $1,000 minimum.That’s what ours is. And then it’s the multipler effect of people just coming together,and then we decide as a group where we’re going to grant the money to every year. And so you can give way more than you could individually because you can give a much bigger impact gift, rather than just what you could write from your own checkbook.
  • Kim Moeller [00:03:21]:Wow. And one thing I’ve learned about Giving Circles is just the community that it provides for the women, in addition to the dollars being granted. Can you speak about what you do with your Giving Circle in South Florida that helps to create community outside of the gifts?Laurie Farquhar [00:03:40]:Yeah. Absolutely. So we try to make it simple and easy for people to connect with us. We have two main gatherings every year, one where Beth Popadic [00:03:49]:we present the ministries that Laurie Farquhar [00:03:50]: are semifinalists, and that’s usually at a breakfast. And then we do a big celebration where we give all the money away. So the first one’s usually the women that are giving. And then the celebration, and we invite everybody, the ministries, their boards, and the husbands. Everybody comes, and it’s just like a big party. And, in between that, we do site visits to the ministries that are lined up for the grants. And so people pick and choose what they want to be involved in. And that helps develop community, because if my passion is the same as yours, and I want to learn more about this ministry, it’s a really cool connection. You get exposed to things you didn’t know about. And then you’re also getting exposed to these things with other women like you that you may also not know.
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:04:49]:So it it really is, a wonderful way to build community.
  • Kim Moeller [00:04:54]:So, so great. And, Beth, how about your connection with, and I didn’t say the title of it, that Strike Force 421 and named apparently after the date of April 21st when it was first founded.  But tell us about your experience or connection with the giving circle. Beth Popadic [00:05:11]:Sure. Well, actually we replicated, something very similar up in Palm Beach that we kicked off last October and we are called Strike Force 297 off of 2nd Corinthians 9:7 how God loves a cheerful giver.  And so we kind of were flying by the seat of our pants. We had a little group of women up here that really wanted to kind of do the same thing as the Strike Force 421 down in Broward and we just were kicking it off really quick. 
  • We kind of started in June with our grant applications and then so we were a little behind. Beth Popadic [00:05:48]:the 8 ball just because we were trying to get it started. So we had our first event in October, which was more of, an introduction to what we were to get people to join. And then we did a second event in February where we showcased our three finalist, ministries and so that was another gathering and there were women and husbands and all different people came And then we had our celebration event in April, and we actually raised almost $70,000. Kim Moeller [00:06:25]:It’s amazing. 
  • Beth Popadic [00:06:25]:year. And so we were able to bless a recovery ministry. We did site visits also. So, yeah, we’re in year two now.
  • Kim Moeller [00:06:39]:Love it. Well, I was not that familiar with Giving Circles until basically I started working with NCF. ,And then I learned of the local one here in San Diego called Seeds. And right now, they have about 60 women, and the commitment is that you’re giving $1,000 each year for three years. So it’s a three year commitment, and then they select a domestic nonprofit and a global, charity that they give to every year. And similar with the site visits and the community and then two  in-person gatherings. So really I love the idea. I love the concept. I just heard of a large giving circle up in Orange County.Kim Moeller [00:07:19]:So if you’re listening and you want to be a part of philanthropy and you kind of  don’t know where to start, I would say, for sure, you can reach out to any of us on this call. We can put our emails in the show notes, (kmoeller@ncfgiving.com, bpopadic@ncfgiving.com, and lfarquhar@ncfgiving.com and we can help you find one in your area. But it is a great way where it’s kind of a minimal investment. Certainly, you can give way more than $1,000 if you want to, but you’ll be with like-minded women in your area doing life together with the spirit of generosity. So I can’t think of anything better. 
  • Back Office Support with NCF

  • And the other piece, Laurie, can you speak about more of, like, the back office side of things of how we use NCF to support your, giving circle? Laurie Farquhar [00:08:05]:Mhmm. Yeah. For sure. We could not actually do what we do without NCF as our backbone organization. So since the very beginning and we’ve been doing this 10 years. We just celebrated ten years of the Giving Circle, and we’ve given away over $1,300,000. And that doesn’t even count the offshoots that we’ve had, because we also spun off a Giving Circle in Miami, and then now the one in Palm Beach. And, NCF holds all the funds.
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:08:38]:So we like to say, who takes care of the money? Not us. It’s NCF. Right. Right. Yeah. Because we’re just all volunteers. You know, the boards of the Giving Circle are the ones who are doing the work as volunteers. There’s no paid staff.Laurie Farquhar[00:08:53]:And instead, NCF creates the fund, holds the money, gives the receipts, does the reporting so we always know how much we have in the fund, and and then does the granting out, you know, when when the time comes. So they make it super easy and simple. I know we all work for NCF. We have to say that, but it’s really true.
  • Kim Moeller [00:09:19]:That is great. And I know that the Seeds organization here in San Diego does it the same way. So you’re always giving through NCF. But really if you’re listening as a female and you think, wow, I want to start a giving circle in my area. We don’t even have one.Think of this whole administrative side and not having to be the one managing the money is all taken care of for you by NCF for free. So it is a great bonus.Kim Moeller [00:09:44]
  • Working in the Generosity Space

  • Let’s talk about the two of you and how God led you into the generosity space. If you want to speak a little bit about your prior careers or any of the times when you look back in your life and you go, I think it was those two or things that made you passionate about generosity and then God opened up this door. I think that would be fun for the listener.
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:10:12]:Sure. I’ll start. It was about 10 years ago. I was a successful corporate executive, and, I was having this ongoing dialogue with the Lord about how much is enough. And He was really pressing into me. I had just gone through a divorce, and He kept asking me, you know, like, how much is enough time away from your family? How much is enough, first class trips? Because I was traveling all over the world for my job. How much money do you have to have? And, you know, if you’ve ever gone through a divorce, you know that that is a time of a lot of insecurity. And, you know, I’m thinking, okay, I’ve got to build this all up for myself, you know, and was really focused on that.
  • How Much is Enough?

  • Laurie Farquhar [00:11:06]:And I thought I was generous because I always tithed and I always gave to charities. And, when He kept pressing in on me with this question, I I surrendered. And, basically, the Lord told me to I was, like, at rock bottom at that point, to just get out and follow Him. And I didn’t know what that meant. So I took a year off as a sabbatical. And during that time, I was introduced to NCF. And I went through one of our programs here in South Florida, LifeWork Leadership, that helps you integrate your faith into your work. And, that was one of the many things I did that year, mission trips and other things, where I was just really giving it all, everything I had, honestly, emotionally, and spiritually. And I learned about the giving strategy at NCF. And I was like, wow. This is kind of cool. Is this really legit? You know, where you can save all these taxes and then have more money in your account and give it away. So I actually leveraged that and became a client of NCF. And then I joined the board, and then I started helping as a board member with some strategy things. And now I’m working here full-time as as the president.
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:12:34]:But the thing that was really pivotal for me in that time was getting a giving fund and realizing I had money available to give. I had already given it. It was God’s. I had given it. And now when an opportunity presented itself, that was a bigger gift than probably I would have normally done. I felt so much joy in giving it away. And so that just changed me, and my giving ha sincreased seven fold. Wow. Laurie Farquhar [00:13:07]:
  • It’s incredible. Yeah. When I thought I was being generous, you know, as a big hotshot, you know, corporate executive, and I really wasn’t. And so that led me here. And the Giving Circle is all part of that. Wow. Because that was birthed 10 years ago. And and all at the same time, God was, like, layering all these things to show me what life that could really be life with Him was all about. 
  • Kim Moeller [00:13:36]:Oh, that is really beautiful. Well, thank you for sharing your story because that is a real part of this podcast that we always want to spotlight how God redeems our lives, and He brings beauty from the ashes. And just as an encouragement for any listener with whatever you’re going through right now, you can hear the story of where Beth and Laurie are now, that it wasn’t always smooth sailing as it isn’t for anybody. Like, we all have our times when the wind is fierce and it’s, you know, very challenging and choppy out there on the ocean, but then, you know, we come into a safe harbor until He launches us out again. And yeah, it’s a real journey, but, that’s a really beautiful story. And I got to hear you speak at the Convene conference and just thought you did just such a professional job of, ,interviewing the people that you had on stage. And you just made it such a clear, call to action with your own skills, as an executive and communication specialist. 
  • A Mom of Four Boys

  • So that that’s great.Kim Moeller [00:14:40]:Well, thank you for sharing. And how about you, Beth? You’re both moms of boys. So Laurie’s a mom of two boys, Beth, a mom of four boys. I’ve got the opposite ratio. I have the 3 girls and the one boy. But we’re all well, almost empty nesters. Not quite.Beth Popadic [00:14:57]:We have one to go. One more year. Kim Moeller [00:15:01]:Yes, yes,
  • Beth Popadic [00:15:02]:So we my husband and I come more out of the not for profit world So we would for years see checks from NCF and think like who is this? These people at NCF are really generous.. We’re very connected connectors in Palm Beach County, especially because we’ve lived here almost 20 years. And so we kind of got into all this through, Stephan and Laurie saying you guys are so networked up there. Why don’t you come and help us build this community of generosity and we have always really valued generosity and wanted to be generous. But this really I think challenged us even personally to take it to the next level of ourselves and serving givers, up here and kind of this network that we’re a part of.  It just really challenges you to be generous not just of your money but of your time and your talents and whole life generosity,
  • Kim Moeller [00:16:07]:  Right? Beth Popadic [00:16:07]:So that’s really what got us into the generosity space.  Well, that’s great to hear and on this podcast we also like to emphasize two pillars of faith, family, finance, fitness, and friendship. So I think the piece of friendships that, you know, like you said, you and Tim are both amazing connectors and establishing that community of generosity and then the faith that’s required to trust God at that next level of giving and generosity. And, again, it’s not just money. It could be our time or our talents. It’s so inspirational.  They say the five people you hang around with are going to be the people that you become most like. So when you’re surrounding yourself with these incredibly generous people, you become like them.
  • Kim Moeller [00:16:55]:And, you know, Laurie, to your point of increasing your generosity by 7 fold, I’m sure 10 years ago, you would have never thought that was possible.Laurie Farquhar [00:17:03]:Yeah. Especially when I’m making a lot less money now.Kim Moeller [00:17:06]:Right. It’s a mystery. That’s so, so true. Yes. It’s never a plus b equals c in God’s economy.Laurie Farquhar [00:17:16]:God’s math is way different than ours.Kim Moeller [00:17:19]:So, so true. Yes. And then I know before the show, Beth, you were talking about how we always like to spotlight also  the aspect of overcoming adversity. Is there anything you would like to share with that side of things in your life, that’s also led you to where you are now? You came through a tough season and are feeling a little bit more in that little safe harbor now before the next storm hits?

A Challenging Time

  • Beth Popadic [00:17:45]:So as Kim mentioned, we have four boys and you know, that can be challenging in itself. It’s wonderful. But recently probably in the last three or so years one of our boys, really hit just some challenges and was running from the Lord and just wanted nothing to do with the Lord and God miraculously intervened about a year and a half ago and completely transformed him.  Like he is a different person.  if you knew him before and you know him now, it’s like, yeah, I mean, it’s a miracle. Just the spiritual growth that my husband and I have experienced through that just because it required us to just press into the Lord, you know It’s those desperate situations right when God allows us to walk through those that it really strengthens our faith. And, if we allow it to, and we really step in and spend  more time in prayer, it just really multiplied our faith.I feel like it accelerated it.
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:18:54]:I’m sure.
  • Beth Popadic [00:18:55]:it’s just trickled down to our whole family. So it’s been really amazing and we wouldn’t even trade it.
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:19:02]:And to others. I mean, that shows the testimony of this particular son now. You’re like, what? Oh my word. You know? I pray for that for my boys who are not not there yet. You know? Like, God can do it. It’s not going to be me, but that He can do it in His timing. So, Beth Popadic [00:19:24]:Yes.Laurie Farquhar [00:19:25]:It’s super encouraging for other people around you, Beth, as well.Beth Popadic [00:19:28]:So if you’re praying for a child, don’t give up because the Lord will meet you in just miraculous ways, like it ,just blows your mind. So just praying and believing and trusting the Lord.

Justin Bieber

  • Kim Moeller [00:19:40]:Mhmm. Well, one of my favorite memories of the Popadic family, and you probably know what I’m going to say, is in my prior job at Gloo,, out of Boulder, we were connected with 1Day LA and their event that they held in Los Angeles, and we were the tech company for this concert that Justin Bieber donated the services, along with Chance the Rapper, Jason Kennedy, all of these high level names who were so generous. And then Justin, it was, like, one of the very first concerts in the SoFi Center there in LA. He really wanted his story of dealing with his own mental illness side of things to be encouraging to people and not just a performance concert. So, he really shared on stage, here’s what I’ve gone through, and then here’s how you can get help. And then Gloo wass the company that connected the people who would see the screen, and they could text to certain numbers. So we were privileged to be able to be at theJustin Bieber concert along with millions of 13 year olds.

Beth Popadic [00:20:47]:We were Kim. Kim and I were in the front row. Wow. 

  • Laurie Farquhar [00:20:52]:Tim was sending me videos from it going, look at this. Look at where we are. Yeah. You guys literally were in the front row.
  • Kim Moeller [00:20:59]:Yes. That’s all due to the Popadic’s amazing ability to connect. So there you go. Yeah. Oh, that’s really great. Well, one other aspect of your work there in South Florida, what else can you say about how you built this community of women and generosity? Like, any thoughts or tips or things that have  really worked well or ways that if someone’s listening in another community, maybe they’re feeling like, wow. I want to get connected to NCF in my are?. Like, what has that provided the women there in South Florida by being a part of NCF?

Women Doing Well

  • Laurie Farquhar [00:21:39]:Well, one of the things that we did early on, and this was also part of my journey ten years ago,was we hosted the very first Women Doing Well event. So if you’ve not heard of Women Doing Well, it’s an organization, for women about generosity, but to really help you understand what your purpose in life is, and what are you passionate about. And then how do you actually, develop a plan and a strategy which fits really well into the NCF Giving strategy? And so from that first gathering that we did with Women Doing Well, I met so many people that I had no idea were like me. And now though, those people are connected to the Giving Circle, and they’re par tof the the NCF South Florida family. And Women Doing Well has evolved from an event only type of thing to a Pathway, where you can join with other women, and go through a six week pathway,and really learn about how God has uniquely created you, you know, for generosity and understand what your purpose is outside of being a wife and a mother.
  • Beth Popadic [00:22:54]:Mhmm.
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:22:55]:So I love that, and it’s really relevant for people that are becoming empty nesters because we quite often think, well, my purpose just left, you know, my kid. And that’s not how God created you. He created you for so, so much more. So I would encourage anybody listening to, you know, check out the Women Doing Well dot org. I actually serve on the board, and I’m a facilitator. And Beth and, others in our community are facilitators.And so we host these kind of retreats and pathways, and, it’s super encouraging and another way to get involved.
  • Kim Moeller [00:23:37]:I’m so glad you brought that up. I want to tag onto that. But before I do, do you want to add anything to that, Beth?
  • Beth Popadic [00:23:44]:
  • I mean, I would just second that. We’ve well, how we’ve really utilized Women Doing Well is we’ve done kind of these one day little retreats with just small groups of women, like 8 to 12 women.  It’s been really powerful. And not only does it, you know, help the women find their purpose, passion, and plan, but they get to know each other in a new way.And it’s like, it’s almost instant vulnerability. Like, yeah, it’s true. And It’s just been great. So along with the whole a lot of those women have joined Strike Force. And then we also do these little igniter events, little groups of women, we call them Ambassadors will host in their home.
  • Beth Popadic [00:24:29]:And so any excuse to get together, yes, and to have good food.
  • Kim Moeller [00:24:37]:Flowers, beauty. Absolutely.
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:24:39]:Yeah. But the walls just do come down what at to Beth’s point about the vulnerability. It’s amazing. When you get around like-minded women, it’s all of a sudden that the walls just fall down.Beth Popadic [00:24:52]:Yeah. And a little story about one of ours I was just reminded of is this. So one of the women who went through I think 2 days of the retreat with us with Women Doing Well And I just remember her just crying and saying I just don’t know what to do.  She was an empty nester and I don’t know what God has for me next. I just need purpose. I need purpose like my husband’s traveling. I’m here by myself. What is my purpose and God just provided. We started Strike Force and she came in and started doing all of our grant reviews and  I mean even her husband at the end of our season last year was like, “Thank you”. She’s a different person”
  • .Beth Popadic [00:25:35]:Like, it’s like and she’ll say God provided this, and this was exactly where I fit. And so if you’re looking for a place to even serve or, you know, what your next place where God can use you next, a giving circle is a great place.

Two Women’s Events

  • Kim Moeller [00:25:52]:Oh, that’s really great, Beth. And what I wanted to tag on to actually, what you’re both saying is so we held two women’s events here in Orange County and San Diego in May, and we called them Generous Girls Orange County, and Generous Girls San Diego. We had a speaker ,Donna Jones, from Orange County. And for the women in Orange County, we held it in a home in Irvine.  In San Diego, it was outside with live music. And really, the purpose of the events was to inspire generosity and for everybody to, increase their level of contribution with their time, their talents, their treasures. 
  • But we felt like, okay if we’re going to do those events, we need to have some call to action. And it was May, so we were going into the summer.Kim Moeller [00:26:37]:And so we made our call to action to offer an online Women Doing Well Ignite pathway, and we’re going to reduce it from the 6 weeks to 4 in July.   And actually, now this podcast will be released in a few weeks, so it’ll be past this when you hear it. But when you hear this recording, but then we said we’re doing an in-person day where we’re going to cover those 6 modules in that Pathway during one day as it is like you said, like a retreat. Yeah. Well, we have this great office space that this group said that we could use, with this ocean view in Carlsbad and their boardroom where we can show these videos. And they asked me, so how many people do you think will be there? And we had 25 to 30 women at each of those women’s events. 
  • So I’m thinking it’s summertime, like, we’ll probably have 6 maybe 8 people. We had to close the registration.Kim Moeller [00:27:33]:We have 28 women signed up. I know. And it’s, you know, an a full day, like, 9 to 3, 9 to 3:30 kind of thing. So I was so shocked and excited that women wanted to be together during the summer, and it’s a great problem to have that we have too many women. But just like you when I first came into this role, there’s a group called Save the Storks, and they were partnering with Women Doing Well. And I’m also a facilitator. And so that was kind of one the first things I did. I co-facilitated with a girl named Danica who’s with Marketplace Chaplains.
  • Kim Moeller [00:28:10]:And just like you said, Laurie, that just led to other friendships and other groups and other organizations, and it’s just kind of the gift that keeps on giving, honestly
  • .Laurie Farquhar [00:28:18]:Yeah. It’s so true.Kim Moeller [00:28:20]: I really love Women Doing Well. And I think I don’t know of any other curriculum that helps a woman put together her two word purpose statement, which is hardwired, hard coded in your DNA, you’ve always had it. But your passions and what you want to give toward or be a part of can change, you know, seasonally with whatever is going on in your life. And then figuring out that plan, just like you said, Beth, the gal who’s the empty nester. And now what do I do? And I have time, and my husband’s gone. He’s traveling. So it’s interesting that we don’t just get this letter in the mail that says, here’s what you should do.Like, it’s kind of this whole process as we’re figuring it out, and God brings the right people, the right, you know ,opportunities, places our way. 
  • So Laurie Farquhar [00:29:09]:Yeah. I yeah. I always refer to it as progressive revelation. That’s good. Never tells me directly what He wants me to do, but little by little. I know.Beth Popadic [00:29:21]:I know.Kim Moeller [00:29:23]:But maybe if He would, we wouldn’t be ready. We’d be like, oh, no.I can’t do that.Laurie Farquhar [00:29:26]:You know? It takes the impression.
  • Kim Moeller [00:29:30]:Oh, that’s wonderful. Well, anything else you both would like to share from your Florida perspectives, NCF, or even from the board perspective of Women Doing Well that might be helpful for the listener?

The Great Wealth Transfer

  • Laurie Farquhar [00:29:45]:Well, I think with our current, like, landscape that’s out there, what you should know is that women are becoming increasingly more important in the financial aspect of families. And based on my background from American Express, we always knew women were important in the discretionary budget. Yes. And so at NCF, we know that women are  super important in terms of the generosity and deciding where gifts go. But with the great wealth transfer that’s happening with the baby boomers giving their money, women are now earning money. In South Florida, there’s an equal amount of women led businesses and men led businesses, And they’re also inheriting it. And so Women Doing Well and NCF are really poised to help women through that. Because sometimes it’s overwhelming if you had never been involved on the financial side before.
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:30:52]:So just know that if you’re in that situation, there is help for you. Women Doing Well is a really safe place, and so is NCF to have those conversations.Kim Moeller [00:31:03]:Perfect. That’s a great shout out. Thank you for for calling that out. How about you, Beth?
  • Beth Popadic [00:31:09]:
  • I mean, I just would agree with Laurie that they’re both such great vehicles for women to connect as well as educate and help and and just set up for their next season of life. Mhmm. Kim Moeller [00:31:23]:And, you know, I have three daughters and a son. And just looking at my girls in their twenties, my oldest is a daughter who is 31. Just their access to some of these tech programs that are out there now and and some specifically created for women. Yesterday, I met with a gal and she said that there’s a new company I have not looked into, but it’s called instead of Dow Jones, it’s called Dow Janes. And it’s just specifically I know. that’s what I thought, a really clever title. But there you know, it’s like the market is aware of this, becoming aware of it.Kim Moeller [00:31:56]:And you’re absolutely right. Like, the women are currently and will be entrusted with this wealth,and it’s a whole new level of responsibility, leadership that’s possible.
  • LaurieFarquhar [00:32:07]:Yeah. In ten years, I believe the stat, 70% of the world’s wealth is going to be in the hands of women.Kim Moeller [00:32:14]:Yes. Exactly. Yes. And as I said in my big fat Greek wedding, the woman is the neck that turns the head often.Laurie Farquhar [00:32:23]:Yeah. I see.
  • Kim Moeller [00:32:25]:Well, I so appreciate both of your time today, and I I think it’s just a really inspirational conversation. And so thank you. And before we wrap up, I want to always leave time for a current book that you’re reading, favorite Bible verse, and any recent bargain you want to share with the group. Beth? Why don’t you go first? Sure.
  • Favorite Book, Bible Verse, and Bargain

  • Beth Popadic [00:32:49]:A current book that I’m reading is actually called The Happy Intercessor by Benny Johnson, it’s just been really enlightening and eye opening to me and it’s just a great book to encourage anybody to Intercede on behalf of others. and how that can.  She even talks about how she didn’t want the gift of intercession and then when she felt like the Lord was giving her that how she actually saw her personality change. So I thought it was so interesting. 
  • Kim Moeller [00:33:23]:Wow fascinating Yeah, that is that is a book to read this summer.Beth Popadic [00:33:28]:
  • Yeah. One of my favorite verses is 2nd Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those who are wholeheartedly devoted to Him And for many years, that verse has really challenged me that I want to be found faithful. When the Lord’s looking for that person, Lord, let it be me. Yeah. You know? That so that’s been one of my favorite verses.Kim Moeller [00:33:54]:That is one of my favorite verses as well. Like, looking throughout the earth for he whose heart is fully committed to him. And I that’s a great way of saying that. Mhmm. And your  bargain because I know you’re a bargain shopper.  Beth Popadic [00:34:10]:I have so many. 
  • She gets the Laurie Farquhar [00:34:12]:best clothes and she’s always getting them at these great prices.  Beth Popadic [00:34:17]:I’ll tell you anybody who wants to join us at Impact 2024 with NCF, right? One of my all-time favorite stores is in Phoenix and that is Nordstrom’s Last Chance. It’s like a basement Nordstrom’s like I found the best deals for like dollars there.Kim Moeller [00:34:37]:I Love it.
  • Beth Popadic [00:34:37]:But a bargain that I found was a dress at Anthropologie that was over $200 that I got for $10.Laurie Farquhar [00:34:45]:Wow. At Anthropologie? No way.Beth Popadic [00:34:49]:Yep. A lot of them .Kim Moeller [00:34:52]:Oh, that qualifies. That’s awesome. That is great.And how about you, Laurie?
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:35:00]:Well, the book I’m reading, and I’m reading it slowly. I’m actually trying to increase, you know ,reading. It’s one of those things that I used to be an avid reader, and now I just I’m not. But so I’m taking this book, and it’s Lead with Prayer.
  • Beth Popadic [00:35:17]:Mhmm.
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:35:17]:And it’s the Spiritual Habits of World Changing Leaders. And what the authors did was they interviewed all these leaders from across the world about their prayer habits. And so it’s kind of like a documentary on what do they do. And so I’m loving just reading one chapter every morning during my quiet time to figure out what are the right rhythms for me. Because I’m seeking after the Lord Mhmm. You know, with all my heart. And which leads to the Bible verse, because there’s a lot of stuff going on in business and personal and caring for aging parents.And it’s just, Lord, you know, please give me your wisdom.
  • Laurie Farquhar [00:36:04]:And so the verse that has just been coming to me and friends that are praying for me or sending me, you know, when you start to see the same verse, multiple places. Yeah. So this is out of the Passion translation. It’s Psalm 16:17, and it says, the way you counsel me makes me praise you more. For your whispers in the night give me wisdom, showing me what to do next. And sometimes, honestly, I feel like I don’t know what to do next. But when I reflect in the morning about my dreams or just kind of what my thoughts were, you know, and I spend that quiet time with the Lord. It’s amazing how clear things can be.Laurie Farquhar [00:36:51]:So I’m really leaning into Psalm 16:17 right now. And my recent bargain, was we just hosted a trip to Switzerland every year with, some of our givers from our NCF South Florida family, and we just got back. But before we were going, I realized the weather was rainy, and, I had not been there when the weather was rainy. So I didn’t have waterproof hiking shoes, And, I like to wear my On shoes in Switzerland. They were made in Switzerland. I figured it’s good enough. You know, they knew how to make these for hiking.
  • Beth Popadic [00:37:34]:True.

Laurie Farquhar [00:37:34]:And, so I went looking for them, and they were really expensive. I’m like, oh, man. Should I just buy these for this one time? And then I went on a different site, and I found them on sale for,like, a $100 off. And I was Kim Moeller [00:37:48]:So good.Laurie Farquhar [00:37:49]:So excited. And they had the waterproof ones, which are hard to find.Kim Moeller [00:37:53]:So Oh, that’s that is great. Well, I love that both of your books were all about prayer. That’s wonderful. And especially with it being summer and we have hopefully tiny bit, little more time to reflect on things and, you know, before we prepare for a busy fall. So I think that’s a great encouragement to anyone who wants to build their prayer life to check out one of those books.Well,thank you both for being such amazing women for all that you’re doing with your work in south Florida. That’s affecting women across the country. I’m blessed to know you and really blessed to have you here on the generous girl podcast.Kim Moeller [00:38:30]:So thanks for living such generous lives and God bless.Laurie Farquhar [00:38:35]:Thank you.Beth Popadic [00:38:36]:You can.Kim Moeller [00:38:41]:Thanks so much for joining us today on the Generous Grill podcast. We’re so glad that you’re here. And if you know of someone that you think needs to be a guest on this podcast, please reach out to us. New episodes are released every other week, and you can follow us onYouTube and on all platforms. Thanks for being here, and we’ll see you next time.

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