And for those of you who are not aware of Mary Tomlinson, Mary worked at Walt Disney for over 18 years, led teens of 8 to 800 people in Orlando and worldwide, worked a lot with the marketing brand side of Disney, and Continue to just really mentor many of these employees, which led her into a coaching business, which led her into helping people determine their their 2 word purpose statement. So welcome, Mary Tomlinson.
Mary Tomlinson [00:01:29]:
It’s good to be back.
Kim Moeller [00:01:30]:
It’s so great to have you, and I know that this is such a great conversation that we allowed 2 podcasts for it because I really want the listener to have time to Learn from your wisdom, and you do for those of you listening who are listening to Mary and thinking she’s amazing, which She is. You can hire her to be your own coach, and she does packages where she helps men and women Just look at their life and how to lead a balanced life and how to live according to who you are and how you were made. And so I encourage you also to go to mary in .com, and you can learn more about all of the services she offers. But let’s start off for the listener who who took her 2 word purpose statement test. You talked about they could go to on purpose To do that, pay $20, you know, the cost of, like, Three or 4 Starbucks drinks, and you have your your two word purpose statement that you can use to navigate, you know, going forward. And I know that You also what I liked is you had defined your own life into, you know, decades in my twenties and my thirties and forties and what those look like. So for the woman listening, you know, she can think of, okay, this next decade going forward, having this knowledge, what will that look like? How do I live according to that.
Kim Moeller [00:02:53]:
So take it from there, Mary, about what does a woman do now that she’s taken the test.
Mary Tomlinson [00:02:58]:
Okay. So let’s 1st talk about, yeah, how you think about your 2 words. And so I encourage people to do Several things. 1 is to think about each of the words individually. So we’re gonna take yours, Kim. We’re gonna take encouraging significance as our example. So for Kim to say, what does the word encouraging mean to her, And what does the word significance mean to her? Because although we’re gonna look at what Webster says, Kim’s definition and her heart definition of those words is way more important than Webster’s. So you just think about what does each word mean to you individually, then you can go to Webster’s and look at The official definition.
Mary Tomlinson [00:03:48]:
I also encourage you to go to a thesaurus and look at synonyms to the word encourage and antonyms To the word encourage, the same with significance, synonyms to significance, antonyms because all of these give a richness And a depth to our 2 words of what it really means, and the antonyms are important because we talked last time on What we most want for other people as we live on purpose is also what we most need in our own life. So the antonyms are Probably gonna really ring true. Like, oh, there are times I really feel those words, And there’s a truth to the fact that none of us are on purpose a 100% of the time. We have our on purpose moments, and we have our off purpose moments. And so I wanna give you also an anecdote to what do I do when I’m off purpose because I before I did this work, I would have off purpose moments, days, weeks, Maybe
Kim Moeller [00:04:58]:
Mary Tomlinson [00:04:59]:
where I Mhmm. Yes. I just I didn’t know how to get out of it. I didn’t know what I was in. This was kind of a funk, And I didn’t know how to get out. Once I knew my purpose
Kim Moeller [00:05:11]:
Which is inspiring hope.
Mary Tomlinson [00:05:13]:
And my purpose is inspiring hope. So when I was off purpose, I now had a path to get back on purpose, and that path for all of us is when we recognize that we’re off Purpose. We’re kind of feeling the antonyms of both of our words. The path is to first go back to god And say
Kim Moeller [00:05:36]:
it all. Be discouraging or insignificant. Yes.
Mary Tomlinson [00:05:40]:
Mhmm. So it’s to go back to God and for you to say, God, my Cup is empty. I need you to encourage significance in me. It’s going back to the author of our life And asking him to pour in. So it’s thinking about what are the ways that God encourages significance in you And knowing that we’ve got to go back to him as children to say, please fill me up. The second thing we have to do is, How does Kim encourage significance in herself? What are those ways that we fill up the cup? So we’re filling up the cup in order to pour it out to encourage significance to the world around us. So it’s thinking through each of those, and it Probably sounds very similar to the great commandment. Love God, love others, love yourself.
Mary Tomlinson [00:06:32]:
So there is cup filling Time and there’s cup emptying, and we’re not just filling a cup to fill it, we’re filling it to empty it. The other thing I love about thinking about individual purpose statements is that we can all see our purpose statement modeled In the life of Jesus Christ. So clearly, as we look to him, for your purpose statement, Jesus encouraged significance, Many, many ways. For my purpose statement, Jesus inspired hope in many ways, so we can all look to him As our model, what it looks like. Mhmm. Yeah. So it’s really important that we kind of dig into it. And the last thing I’ll Say about thinking about our purpose is that God knit us together in our mother’s womb.
Mary Tomlinson [00:07:26]:
So this is what we are to be about 24/7, 365 days a year. So I have to think about not only how do I inspire hope In myself, how do I inspire hope in my husband? How do I inspire hope in my children, in my grandchildren? How do I inspire hope at the waitress At my favorite restaurant. Am I being on purpose in those interactions? And whether it’s in person, or a text, Or an email or a phone call. Am I living out the very purpose God designed me to do and to be? Because this is what And when I get to heaven, I’m sure he’s gonna say, okay, let’s revere your life on how well you did with the purpose I designed in you. So it’s really very helpful to just be very thoughtful and to think about our 2 word purpose statement.
Kim Moeller [00:08:20]:
Give the listeners some examples of some additional two word purpose statements in case they haven’t yet taken the test, like catalyzing growth, I know is 1.
Mary Tomlinson [00:08:30]:
Yes. You know, cultivating growth is it is one, encouraging significance, obviously, is yours. Oh, there’s, You know, you think about all the words in the universe, all the objects and all of the gerunds, the I n g’s, spotlighting truth, Expanding territory. There’s just such was 1
Kim Moeller [00:08:54]:
yeah. Because that’s a good point though, Mary. Just to explain how this works When you take the test, it is like a tournament. So I would see expanding territory and then I would see encouraging significance and I would have to Choose which one is more like me. And then if I picked encouraging significance, maybe the expanding territory would go away, A new one would come up and then against another one. And so you’re continually you know, both might be true. Right. But which is the most True for you is how that whole app works.
Mary Tomlinson [00:09:29]:
Yes. I tell people when they go through that tournament. They’re in the ballpark. Now they may nail it in that tournament, or they may be close. So if You kinda feel like you’re close either looking at the synonyms of your word can help you. You will get a series of emails from Kevin McCarthy following that assessment to help you refine it further. And I also offer a refine your purpose 1 hour session, 1 on 1, to help dig into that, and I want People to know that that’s both my business and my ministry. So if someone really wants to do it and cannot afford the See, we’re gonna do it anyway.
Mary Tomlinson [00:10:12]:
It’s too important for me not to do that. This to me is my life work, and it is so important that I want those that say, I I really wanna do this, we’re gonna do it. It’s Aw. It’s just too important. So I I wanna encourage people that doing the assessment is great, but they may wanna go deeper, or refine it further because there’s so many choices of words.
Kim Moeller [00:10:39]:
Sure. Sure. And I remember for me, at first, we thought mine was Inspiring hope. But then the more that we dug into it, we felt like it resonated with me. Encouraging significance is is how I’ve Lived in choices I’ve made in the past and what I enjoy doing going forward. So that was really helpful 1 on 1 to work with you And, you know, come up with that conclusion. So now help the the woman. She’s got her 2 word purpose statement or she’s Thinking of, you know, taking the test, how do you tie that to living a generous life? And what does that look like for giving of one’s time, talents, and treasures.
Mary Tomlinson [00:11:22]:
Well, I know that you had Julie Wilson on one of your Generous
Kim Moeller [00:11:27]:
Girl podcasts,
Mary Tomlinson [00:11:28]:
Thank you. And Julie and I have worked, together with the Women Doing Well movement over the last 10 years, so we have done, conferences across the country with thousands and thousands of women, and one of there are several things that are kind of consistent. Many, you know, are not sure that they had a purpose. And even the understanding that God created us Beautifully and uniquely in our mother’s womb was really good news, and that she could find a purpose that makes Her and articulates her uniqueness, so she doesn’t have to be looking at other people, and wishing she was like them.
Kim Moeller [00:12:09]:
The second- Happy life.
Mary Tomlinson [00:12:11]:
Yes. The second thing that it has been very consistent, more so with women, even than men, Is that we tend to see needs and say yes far too often. Pro and even in my own life, I see a need. I figure I can do that. It needs to be done. And so then I say yes. And Then I’m kinda miserable.
Kim Moeller [00:12:38]:
Mary Tomlinson [00:12:39]:
Yeah. And I go back to God and I go, I have this really miserable doing this. And he said, well, I didn’t really call you to do that. As a matter of fact, I had someone else in mind to do that, but you’re too quick. And you just jumped in, and they were still kinda thinking about it. So now you’re miserable, and they missed a blessing.
Kim Moeller [00:12:58]:
And they missed a blessing and an opportunity. That’s what I love about Thinking of it that way is when you say no to something, you’re allowing that other person who is gifted that way to Step in and fulfill that role.
Mary Tomlinson [00:13:13]:
Yes. Absolutely. So because we say yes To too many things. We get burdened. We are exhausted. We are doing things that We were not intended to do, and we’re not giving very joyfully. And the Bible talks about God loves a cheerful giver. So when do we start to think about all the things I have said yes to? So you mentioned the tournament.
Mary Tomlinson [00:13:43]:
So One of the tools is writing down all the things you are doing or could be doing in your generosity, And it could be time. It could be talent. It can be treasure. All the different things you could be doing or are doing or people are asking you to do.
Kim Moeller [00:14:04]:
So you’re volunteering. You’re giving money here.
Mary Tomlinson [00:14:07]:
Absolutely. So then you start looking at those in pairs. So between This choice and this choice, which one is more on purpose for me? And I can start advancing those that are really on purpose for me and realizing Some of these are not on purpose for me at all. And if I say no to some of those things Or get off those boards or move away from that assignment. It gives me more time to be More on purpose doing things I know God has called me to do. Mhmm. Now this is a great exercise, but I always wanna caveat it Because there are sometimes God specifically asks us to do something that In our little mind, may or may not be on purpose, but we know that we know that we know that God is calling us to do that. Obviously, when that happens, we just do it.
Mary Tomlinson [00:15:12]:
We say yes, lord. However, I find that that’s probably 10% of the time when we are so clear that God has called us, I think he gives us freedom with the other 90% To decide where we can give most on purpose, be a cheerful giver. Because I don’t know about you, but there have been times I volunteered to do things that needed to be done, but was not a very cheerful giver, and it wasn’t very on purpose for me. And
Kim Moeller [00:15:47]:
And it wasn’t life giving.
Mary Tomlinson [00:15:49]:
No. I wish I wasn’t doing it, and I think the people around me probably wish I wasn’t doing it there.
Kim Moeller [00:15:53]:
They wish the same.
Mary Tomlinson [00:15:58]:
So when you’re thinking about on purpose, just what’s on purpose giving for me. The other thing that women doing well does a wonderful job, which to me is an important pairing with your purpose. So what is giving that is On purpose for me is what types of generosity and giving, speak to my deepest passions. Howard Thurman has a great quote that says, don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive. So our passions, You know when you think about all the hurts of the world, all the needs of the world, and there are lots of them. There are some that more clearly pierce my heart, probably because of my own life experience.
Kim Moeller [00:16:58]:
Mary Tomlinson [00:16:59]:
sure. You know, as a a child of divorce Mhmm. I am very passionate about healthy marriage. So That’s a passion of mine.
Kim Moeller [00:17:09]:
That’s a passion of yours. Right.
Mary Tomlinson [00:17:10]:
It’s gonna hurt based on being a working woman, balancing Children and career and feeling called to do that, I have a passion for Professional Christian women and how they have to balance that based on my own pain and my own journey. So Typically a passion of ours, and passions can change.
Kim Moeller [00:17:39]:
Mhmm. Seasonally, right.
Mary Tomlinson [00:17:41]:
Yeah, or In life experiences. So if I match my, what is on purpose for me, with my passions, Oh my goodness. There is this joy in my giving and the word that comes up more than any other In talking with women about going through this process is freedom. I have the freedom to say yes to some things, and the freedom to say no and not feel bad about it. I mean, I think you mentioned you were able To say no and not feel devastated about it.
Kim Moeller [00:18:20]:
Right. Right. Mhmm. That’s so helpful, Mary. And, you know, as listeners are aware, I work with NCF, the National Christian Foundation. We help People all across the country set up their own personal giving funds so they can use their charitable contributions, Put the money into a donor advised fund. They can call it whatever they’d like. Ours is called the Moeller Family Giving Fund.
Kim Moeller [00:18:45]:
And then we Choose, you know, which of the 71,000 organizations my husband and I want that money to go toward, but it does help when My husband understands his two word purpose statement. I understand mine. We think about the giving toward our church and then other causes that resonate with both of us. And it allows us to be more strategic. And, you know, we might be doing something this year that looks different than next year and what we’re Called to do or what we feel those needs are ahead of us, but it it definitely gives us more of a a road map. And then then I don’t feel like, oh, I’m at this Banquet, and I’m giving this money and this over here, and I just kinda feel like popcorn just going everywhere with no plan. Yeah. So I enjoy The other side with the just putting the little plug here for NCF is what I love with all of that type of giving is it’s all organized and in one place.
Kim Moeller [00:19:40]:
So, you know, I might give to this church or this nonprofit and this one in San Diego or this one in another state or wherever. But at the end of the year, my tax advisor says, Hey, Kim, can you give me the statement of your giving? And then instead of me Keeping those receipts individually for 7 years for the IRS. I have one place where all my charitable giving has been done, And it just makes me feel like I know how much money we put in, how much money is still sitting there, how much, you know, ready to be given, and Where it’s gone to. So along with what you’re talking about, you know, it’s all tied together with the strategic side of, You know, you individually listening to this podcast or you with your spouse listening and thinking about, okay, None of these resources are ours. It’s as you said, Mary, he god owns it all. So how does he want us to, you know, step out and And allow him to maximize the resources. And, you know, maybe we’re really called to take a big step of faith and We’re committing a number to some campaign and we don’t really even know where it’s coming from, but it’s a number God’s laid on our hearts. So you do that and you go forward.
Kim Moeller [00:20:59]:
It’s kind of like when you think about all the work that’s been done with the temperament tests and Myers Briggs & StrengthsFinder. And it’s also helpful, Enneagram, as you, you know, kind of have a better understanding of who you are at your core, How your own experiences have shaped you into who you are today. And and often, like you said, it is a hurt or a wound or something painful that’s happened that you’re passionate about now to help the next person who might be going through, something similar.
Mary Tomlinson [00:21:28]:
Yeah. Well, I can give a Huge testimonial to the NCF Giving Fund because Aw. Thank you. Probably, I don’t know how many years ago, maybe 8, we Found out about it and decided to do it, and we love it. I mean, it is so wonderful As a couple, you know, again, as you say, to be aligned as a couple that says, alright. These are our passions. So In our house, if it’s, connected to healthy marriages, if it’s connected to missions, if it’s connected to professional Christian women type work, Our church, there, it all goes in there, through there, and then we can say no gracefully to those things that Are not aligned for us. And like you said, just the fact that it’s all in 1 place and that, you know, and I said a bill all the time.
Mary Tomlinson [00:22:25]:
So How much money can we give away? The other thing
Kim Moeller [00:22:29]:
for us
Mary Tomlinson [00:22:30]:
that’s really important is that we’re really committed, You know, I think when we were married probably 2 or 3 years and had zero money, we came to that Decision that we were going to tithe 10% even though we had no idea where it was coming from. Mhmm. Over the years, We’ve not only been committed to that, but committed to increasing that percentage every year. So much so that our financial advisor said to us, Are you sure you wanna give away this much money? It’s like, yeah. We’re sure we wanna give away that much money. Aw. But having it in one place allows us also To know that we are increasing that percentage every year, and giving to the things that are really meaningful to us versus, I love your analogy, of popcorn. You know, just a little bit everywhere, and if it’s a little bit everywhere, it will have A little impact Impact.
Mary Tomlinson [00:23:24]:
Versus focusing on that which is uniquely My husband and my story and our story together to make more of a significant impact for the kingdom. So, Yes. We’re big fans of the Giving Fund.
Kim Moeller [00:23:41]:
You know, you remind me of, someone else I talked to, and she looks So forward to that annual meeting with their financial adviser because that is your question. I just wanna know how much money we have to give. Yeah. But it is so empowering because when you have, you know, committed to giving a certain amount or percentage, And, you know, so many times, like, let’s just flip it on the other side and look at that meeting with the financial adviser. It could be negative. It could be like, oh, the markets are down, and we lost this much, and We put this much into the four zero one k, and, you know, it’s it’s here. And it can be, like, a little treadmill like a feeling like, gosh. Are we going getting anywhere? Are we, quote, getting ahead? But I think the giving perspective is so fun because it truly is like Christmas where You’re just thinking of it as this organization could use this you know, maybe it’s $1,000, $100, but they could use it, and they can really Change the trajectory of that foster child that’s now aged out, and Yep.
Kim Moeller [00:24:42]:
No one’s there for him or her kinda thing, or you’re passionate about, You know, helping the homeless or the anti sex trafficking. So the giving component, you know, we do have such generous laws in our in our country of the United States to Be able to do charitable giving. And sometimes I think the fun side of it and the empowering side, We miss that. And sometimes you can even have, you know, let’s just say someone’s a stay at home mom and the husband’s the breadwinner, And he’s just kinda taking care of the budget and the giving, and and then the woman’s not even involved, and her passions might be really different than his. Yeah. So it is so important to be, like, Unified in in what you wanna do with your charitable giving as you go forward, so that’s great. Thanks for calling that out. Oh.
Mary Tomlinson [00:25:27]:
I mean, there’s just so much joy in it. There’s so much Joy in giving, and God is so faithful. I mean, he called us, you know, it’s all his, and he says, Yeah. Give me 10%. You keep 90. And he is so faithful that, Bill and I do a lot of marriage mentoring of couples, And this is always a huge point that says, I don’t care how much money you have. You’ve got to give 10% to God, And I promise you
Kim Moeller [00:25:57]:
Mary Tomlinson [00:25:57]:
He will be faithful, and he is an excuse. Joy. No.
Kim Moeller [00:26:01]:
No. Yeah. Never. It’s like test Me and
Mary Tomlinson [00:26:05]:
It’s right.
Kim Moeller [00:26:05]:
You said that. And you can’t. And I love, you know, what you said about just trying to each year Commit to even increasing that percentage, and you can’t, like, make up the stories of how we we’ve had Terrible car situations in the last 2 weeks, literally, where I was parked on Pacific Coast Highway having a great meeting with my job. I Come back out to my car. I came around the front of it, you know, because I didn’t wanna get hit because it’s a really busy road. So I didn’t even look at my car. I just jumped in the car without getting hit, Drove home, parked on my driveway. You know, like, an hour and a half later, we go out there where my husband is going out to dinner.
Kim Moeller [00:26:45]:
He’s like, Kim, what happened to the car? And someone had fully sideswiped the whole side of it.
Mary Tomlinson [00:26:52]:
Like, oh, gracious.
Kim Moeller [00:26:53]:
Pulled off this whole part of it, and you could tell it was a white truck. It was up Hi. Because ours is an SUV, and it just destroyed the bill. I’m laughing. But, you know, it’s things like that where you I think, Okay, god. Maybe this mechanic needed the money more than we did. Fortunately, we have insurance. He’s gotta cover it, but
Mary Tomlinson [00:27:14]:
Kim Moeller [00:27:15]:
It’s Holding all that loosely, and, you know, we have a Prius. And all of a sudden, my husband’s driving at the red triangle. They call it the red triangle of death, comes on that. And That just happened last week. So we’re just, you know, you just get hit by these different things. And I think that our mindset, The resources, he owns it all. He is our provider. He will take care of us and he is, there’s no one more generous, You know, who gave his own son and so he calls us to, you know, live a generous life and But like in all commands and all things he tells us, why does he do it? To protect us and provide for us, and he wants our best.
Kim Moeller [00:27:56]:
Mary Tomlinson [00:27:56]:
Show. And to join him in the work. I mean, one of the most fun things Bill and I do is when we go to a restaurant, We’re both we walk in looking like, okay, lord. Is there anybody here? We should just pick up their check.
Kim Moeller [00:28:10]:
Mary Tomlinson [00:28:10]:
We just look, and sometimes there’s nobody, and but Where we live, in Wake Forest, there’s a seminary. So there’s a lot of just kinda dive restaurants that we love to go to. And you can walk in there, and you can see seminary families. And the lord just goes, There’s 1, and you just you just tell the waitress, I want their check. I don’t want them to know, and there is So much joy in doing those little things where you just participate with God. Now I wanna wanna give it up for anything because it just there’s just a joy in it.
Kim Moeller [00:28:48]:
So, so true. Wow. I remember someone sent my husband and me A $100. We had moved back to California, very tight budget, and and she said, I I want you to use this, you know, toward Disneyland, and go enjoy. Do and it was just it meant so much. Just that she saw The struggles and, you know, raising 4 kids and an expensive area, but it it would realize still to this day. You know? It just really Touched us with the sweet note that she wrote. And yeah.
Kim Moeller [00:29:20]:
And we all have that opportunity with what’s before us, and that’s great. You make me wanna The next restaurant I go in, I’ll I’ll do the same.
Mary Tomlinson [00:29:28]:
Just just, you just look, you know, because then I’ll I’ll go in and I’ll say to Bill, is there anybody today? And he’ll go, Nope. I said, are you sure? No, not today. So there is a discernment there, but there, there is just so much Joy, in giving that which we see, and that which we won’t see until we get to heaven, But I know God is honored and pleased. So my hope in all of this in tying purpose and passion to giving is that we can return to where giving of our time, talent, and treasure is fun and joyful and not drudgery And not a duty and not just one more thing to check off a list because I just that doesn’t reflect, I don’t think the heart of Christ, so it really is being thoughtful and, you know, just taking some faith steps when it seems like a big step, That we know that God’s calling us to do it.
Kim Moeller [00:30:27]:
Yes. Yes. So true. Okay. The last time I shared about the On Purpose Person book. If you’re watching on YouTube, you can see these pictures of these books. And this is Mary Tomlinson’s book, Wholehearted Purpose. You can get that on Amazon.
Kim Moeller [00:30:41]:
Again, you can go to for more information, or if you want her to work as a coach with you, she has helped So many different people. I know she could help every listener, out there who’s interested in learning more about this whole field. Any closing thoughts, Mary, that you’d like to share to the listener about someone’s career purpose season?
Mary Tomlinson [00:31:04]:
I just want everyone to know, to read Psalm 139 again, and to see the intimacy Of God, knitting you together in your mother’s womb. He had a purpose for your life, And our job, I believe, is to discover what that is, so we can live it out. But the good news is he sees you, He had a purpose and plan for you. He’s using everything in your life, and he is faithful, To know that there’s this beautiful uniqueness inside of you that he intended all along. So this work is just so exciting to Help us all discover it so we can live it out.
Kim Moeller [00:31:48]:
And as we said on the last episode, sometimes we’re in that waiting room and We just need to be patient. You wanted to leave Disney a year before it was time.
Mary Tomlinson [00:31:59]:
Kim Moeller [00:31:59]:
And then in the end, got a great Severance package is a result of waiting, and sometimes we need to just trust when we’re in those seasons of feeling like it’s Got to be time that this happens, and God’s like, wait. Just be patient. I forgot you. I see you.
Mary Tomlinson [00:32:16]:
Kim Moeller [00:32:17]:
haven’t forgotten about you. And Yeah. And then, you know, the older we get, also, we look back and do see his faithfulness and how he did weave Everything together. So, it’s been such a joy having you. What is a book you’re reading right now? So you’d like to share?
Mary Tomlinson [00:32:32]:
It was so funny. I I was thinking about being in my business now for 22 years, and remembering back when I first left Disney Trying to find my way, and one of the books I remember reading that had a real impact on me that I just wanted to Find again. I had to buy it again, because I couldn’t even find it. It’s called The Path by Laurie Beth Jones, And she also wrote Jesus CEO. And both of those books had just a found impact on me, as well, obviously, as Kevin’s books. But right now, I’m just rereading this book from 22 years ago, and just Remembering how he used it in my life, so it’s just, you know, it’s just fun to think back on books that have had An impact on our lives and go back and read them again. Mhmm.
Kim Moeller [00:33:28]:
I love that because you it’s like seeing a Movie that you loved and you think, oh, that was such a great movie. And then you watch it again 10 years later, you see all kinds of new things in it. You remember why you loved the movie so much, but we can so quickly Get so many of those components of it. So that’s great. Okay. So encourage listener to get the book called The Path and then any bargain that you recently
Mary Tomlinson [00:33:50]:
Oh, I’m a thrift shop girl. I just love to go hunting for treasures at thrift shops, and sometimes you find them and sometimes you don’t. But it’s really kinda fun to find kind of name brand clothing, and when you’re trying to decide whether or not you’ll love it forever, if it’s $3. It’s a real interesting and easy decision, so I’m a thrift shop girl.
Kim Moeller [00:34:15]:
I just read something about, like, the goodwill, and how The people on TikTok, they feel like it’s so expensive. So they’re saying, cut out the labels because then when, you know, goodwill has it, they’re not gonna be able to Charge as much. But then I thought, well, if you find it at Goodwill, then that kind of takes away the whole joy of, like, wow, I just found this amazing brand because now you don’t really know if it is that brand. That’s funny. Well, I’m a bargain hunter as well, and that’s why we include it on this podcast. So
Mary Tomlinson [00:34:44]:
Kim Moeller [00:34:45]:
So great having you, Mary. And blessing. I just look forward to seeing the fruit from this conversation that helps the listener Really step into her own calling for this new season, understanding, you know, the passions as you said might change, but the Plan is just hardwired in that woman’s DNA, and we each have one life. And how can we, you know, live it to the fullest And allow God to just put wherever He’s put us, you know, that place where He has us. You’re on the East Coast, I’m on the West Coast, And how can we live according to his plan for us with how he has made us? And we’re so unique, each of us In this world, you know, the 7,000,000,000 people that all look different, have different stories, but he’s got such fun, incredible journeys for each of us to take. So I thank you. Thank you for your time, and just love meeting with you. And so glad that more people now are gonna know how great Mary Tomlinson is.
Mary Tomlinson [00:35:42]:
Well, thank you for all you’re doing, Kim. This Generous Girl podcast is really fabulous. I’ve enjoyed listening to several of them. I mean, they’re They are. They’re just fabulous women out there, so thank you for being a fabulous woman and interviewing them.
Kim Moeller [00:35:57]:
Oh, you’re the best. Alright. Bless you. Bye, friend. Bye. Thanks so much for joining us today on the Generous Girl podcast. We’re so glad that you’re here. And if you know of someone that you think needs to be a guest on this podcast, please reach out to us.
Kim Moeller [00:36:17]:
New episodes are released every other week, and you can follow us on YouTube and on all platforms. Thanks for being here, and we’ll see you next time.
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