
I am so excited to introduce you to Mary Tomlinson. Mary is an incredible individual, and I have gotten to know her through a 1 on 1 coaching experience that I did with Mary last year, and Mary Has an incredible background. She enjoyed an 18 year career with the Walt Disney Company where she was an executive and led teams of 8 to 800 people in Orlando and worldwide. She was a marketing brand director for Walt Disney World and developed a brand strategy for theme parks and resorts and also a director of Disney’s internal advertising agency, Yellow Shoes, where her team managed 5,000 projects annually with a $130,000,000 budget. One of her career highlights was that she served as the director of the former Disney Institute, which was a 585 room resort And learning center with 800 employees and multiple training programs, large budget. And then since 2001, she has been The president of On Purpose Partners, which is a consulting and coaching group for organizational culture, leadership, Customer service and team building, and she designs and facilitates planning retreats and specializes in personal and executive coaching around purpose, vision, mission, and values. She’s also a published author of the book called Wholehearted Purpose, Women Discovering Their One of a Kind Design And facilitation made easy. And she lives in Raleigh, North Carolina and is the With her husband of 44 years and the Mimi, or grandmother, to her 4 grandkids. So welcome, Mary Tomlinson.


Mary Tomlinson [00:02:23]:


Oh, Kim. What a delight to be with you today.


Kim Moeller [00:02:26]:


It’s wonderful wonderful to have you. And as I mentioned at the very beginning, I was Fortunate in my old company to be able to do some 1 on 1 personal development executive coaching with you where You really helped me figure out what my two word purpose statement was, and, also, we just looked at all the various Important areas of life and how to live a balanced life, what’s most important. And I know on a number of these podcasts, I’ve referenced A person a woman’s two word purpose statement, and I know I’ve talked about women doing well and how women can do that through the Women Doing Well organization, but I really have looked forward to this time with you. And for the listener, we’re going to spend 2 sessions together with Mary because I think there’s a lot to unpack, and I want every listener to feel as Quipped in this area, what is your 2 word purpose statement as a woman can so that she is fully prepared for this current season she’s in and the next season where God has her. And I I know you just have so many nuggets of wisdom to share in this area, and you’ve really devoted your life to doing this 1 on 1 coaching for both men and women and teams and executive retreats. So I know there’s going to be a wealth of knowledge that you’re going to share, and we’re also gonna share how a woman takes her own 2 purpose 2 word purpose statement, test. So we’re gonna divide this podcast up. And today, we’re gonna really talk about, like, Family background and then also the corporate career and how you navigated being a professional woman while raising 2 kids and your husband’s career, And then, also, as we said, purpose. So let’s jump into why don’t you share a little bit about your background and where you grew up? And I know you’re right now in North Carolina. But share for listener how you got to where


Mary Tomlinson [00:04:18]:

Mary’s Background

you are. So I was born in Concord, California, which is about an hour east of San Cisco. And I think my growing up story really shows how God redeems our past And how it ties into our purpose because I would kind of categorize it as I look back over my life in these kind of 10 year Decade increments. So when I think about, you know, growing up, I’d say 1 to 10. I was kind of blissfully unaware. My parents were having real problems behind the scenes. My mother was seeing someone else, but There were no arguments in front of us as children and I was just growing up going to my little Catholic church and blissfully unaware. I would say 10 to 20 was probably my trauma years. So much happened. My mother did leave my father. There were just all kinds of dramatic events like a car chase through our town, fist fight in the middle of an intersection, My mother kidnapping me and taking me across the country to Milwaukee.


Kim Moeller [00:05:29]:




Mary Tomlinson [00:05:29]:


Just all kinds of stuff. And the man she married was Not a very nice man. He abused her and verbally abused my sister and I. So that 10 years was really full of trauma. But at the same time, Jesus met me in the middle of that and that gave me something Very close to hang on to in the midst of that really difficult decade. I think the twenties were a time when I did get married, but Then wondered why I did that because I didn’t really know how to do a good marriage and I was kind of lost Without a compass. And there was time in those twenties that my husband and I decided, you know what? We think we need to get a divorce. But the Lord just kind of, held us together by a thread, I would say. Thirties and forties were really immersed in my career. I did have my 2 children, was at Disney traveling the globe, lot of travel. But I was just immersed in that and left Disney when I was 45 To try to start my own business, which is the same business I have today. And I would say the fifties and the sixties Decade have been more about, just truly finding, fulfillment. My purpose in a new way in in this business just so so grateful that God held me together through those early years of starting a business which is never very easy. But now looking back over the last 20 years, just so grateful for what he’s done and how he has redeemed My whole life because, you know, my purpose statement, and we’ll talk a lot about that, is inspiring hope. So clearly through so many of those decades in my life, there was a sense of despair and hopelessness and doubt. But it just helps me understand why God allowed it to happen, which was a question of mine for a long time. And now I see why he allowed it to happen And how it allows me to have empathy for those who are hopeless so that I can inspire hope in their lives.


Kim Moeller [00:07:48]:


Oh, that’s so, so beautiful. I remember you telling me the story of feeling so strongly that it was time for you to leave Disney and sort of Take that leap of faith. Why don’t you share more about that story that took you into your individual coaching?


Mary Tomlinson [00:08:05]:

Waiting on the Lord for His Timing

Yeah. I mean, I’d say I was Probably ready to leave Disney about a year before I left. And I went to the Lord and just was really praying about it and I just felt like he said not yet. And I just thought, Oh gosh. You know, it was just I was so ready to leave. But I stayed and a year later, The organization on a worldwide basis did a voluntary severance plan Whereas they sent letters to every salaried employee saying if you want to leave, Here’s your severance and there were different packages based on how long you had been there and your position within the company. And I just felt like when that came out, the Lord said, This is why I wanted you to wait. Now is the time. But I remember having conversations Even with the Lord about okay so what am I gonna do next? My kids are in high school and college is coming up And the Lord just said, you know what? You don’t need to know that right now. I really want you to take a step of faith Without knowing what’s next. And so that’s what it required. So that took a while to really Understand and decide what it was he called me to do and then begin to build a business. And anyone who builds a business, You know, you’re typically told it’s gonna take about 3 years and that’s not what you wanna hear when you’re starting a business. So that Startup time was in reality true. And during that time, we went through all of our savings To which there were lots of discussions with the Lord about, you know, that’s my security. And he would say The


Kim Moeller [00:09:55]:


kids in high school heading to college.


Mary Tomlinson [00:09:59]:


Yes. He just said I want to be your security and whose money is it anyway? It’s yours, Lord. So that season in my life, I came to a very deep and clear understanding how dependent I am on him and that all my money is his Anyway, so it was a very hard lesson to learn, but one that I’ve carried with me over the last 20 years.


Kim Moeller [00:10:24]:


And your husband was obviously very supportive of your choice to leave Disney and, you know, break out on your own.


Mary Tomlinson [00:10:31]:


He was he was a consultant at the time too. So both of us were like, we’re like kind of up a creek and really depending on God here, which is a good thing, but


Kim Moeller [00:10:41]:


which is where he wants us. Right? It’s yes. Yes. Okay. Why don’t You also, before we jump into more about the coaching business, talk a little bit to the listener who might be in in the shoes of Stay at home. Mom feeling like, wow, this economy, things have gotten so expensive. I really need to go back to work. I don’t know if I can without having the kids and the ages they are or maybe you’re, you know, talking to the professional who’s been in the workforce the whole time and, You know, I took the breaks for the maternity leave, but maybe just I’d love to hear because I haven’t really had a guest on the podcast yes yet who’s talked about just the balance of How challenging that can be when you feel called to your career, and you’re also called to being a great wife and mom. And would love to hear now that you’re kind of on the Side of that with your kids launched and having grandkids, any words of wisdom you can share with the listener would be wonderful.


Mary Tomlinson [00:11:38]:

A Working Mom & the Church

Well, Two things. 1, probably so my daughter turns 38 in a week. But when she was born, I had a lot of my church friends at the time and this is a long time ago who just assumed I would stay home. And I wasn’t sure I was hardwired to do that. And so there was this feeling of tension with My, you know, dearest Christian friends about, am I gonna be a working mother or stay at home? And I felt tension at work as a Christian in a workplace. So there there was Almost these feelings of isolation both at church and at work. And it took a lot of prayerful discernment to really say, okay, God, How have you made me? And how am I gonna be the best mom? Because you know, I could have said, well, I’ll stay at home and then been grumpy at home. Or for some women who would prefer to stay home, they’d be grumpy at work.


Kim Moeller [00:12:44]:


Right. Exactly.


Mary Tomlinson [00:12:46]:


So I always advise that there are So many choices that we as women have, you know, work full time, stay home full time, work part time. Yeah. There’s just so many options that we have to prayerfully discern what is best for us and how we can be the best And the most joyful mother. I mean, I’m grateful that my kids who are now 38 and 36 are really nice people but I didn’t mess them up because there was a real concern there for a while. But that whole season of my life, I met some other women who were struggling with the same thing in Orlando at the time. And we started an organization called J4 Leaders and J4 is from Judges 4. And judges 4s were Deborah, who was the leader of Israel, led them successfully into battle. And our thought was, You know, sometimes women were a bit marginalized in the Old Testament. So here was a working woman who was a very successful leader.


Kim Moeller [00:13:53]:




Mary Tomlinson [00:13:54]:

Professional Christian Women

Exactly. So That organization was developed to encourage working women. I always say you can love Jesus and love to work. And then when I moved to Raleigh 10 years ago I was committed to try to find an organization like that Or start 1. And there wasn’t 1. So we started 1. And the group Is, called professional Christian women for the same purpose. So I have a real passion for the dynamic exactly as you Scribed it. And if we’re not careful, we can kind of feel lose lose that I’m not a good mother or I’m not. And that’s that’s just not true. There’s just individual hardwiring that’s within us on how we can be the best person that God has designed us to be.


Kim Moeller [00:14:50]:


Mhmm. So beautifully said. In my old company, Glue, where I used to work, they, You know, have their mission statement of helping people be all they were born to be. And I feel like that is each of our quest and our calling to be all we were made to be. And yet it’s never just this, like, straight through line Because we all have all the variables that look different. Your variables in your world look different than mine. You have 2 kids. I have Or you have 4 grandkids. I don’t have grandkids yet. You might have raised your kids with a ton of, you know, relatives that live nearby, and this Person had no relatives or you had no relatives, and and they have all the help. And so the husband has a a career where he travels or he doesn’t and he’s home. And, You know, it’s kind of the same type of thing when you look at school choice. You cannot say this is the only and right way. You cannot say that about private school, public school, homeschooling because everyone’s shape, their calling, their uniquenesses, the marriage. Maybe they’re a single mom. That whole picture package is unique to that family, that individual, and that’s why it’s such a Challenge in such a quest to figure out individually before God the path he has for each of us to walk. And I can’t look to my left. I can’t look to my right and look and think, well, I should be doing that because my circumstances, I might have a special needs child. I there are so many things that go into the picture, and then all of us is we’re all running the same race. That’s why it’s so important that we don’t try to compare with one another, compete with one another, but we’re really there as couriers of one another. I love how you started that organization in both places because we definitely need each other to be each other’s Cheerleaders and not each other’s judge or person who makes them feel worse or lonely or unseen. So, again, the I love how you said it, and now let’s transition more into this whole coaching Part of the conversation because what you just shared is you struggled with knowing how you were created and having the 2 children And figuring out, you know, do I navigate my full time career or not has led you into, you know, the different decades to be able to look back also and see how God used that time and refine your purpose of inspiring hope. So Tell the listener more about, you know, you’re in the corporate world, managing all those people, 1,000,000 of dollars of budgets, and then you transition more into a Coaching with 1 on 1, women or men, and just let’s unpack that for a while because I think that’s super valuable.


Mary Tomlinson [00:17:41]:

Leaving Disney

Mhmm. So when I left Disney, so again, Lord says, take this step of faith. So I spent, you know, several months Being very reflective of what are the types of things that I would jump out of bed to do In the morning and it was so funny because I met with a lot of people who had started their own businesses because I thought, well, they must know what they’re doing. So I would go to these breakfasts or lunches or coffees with people. And so many of them, this goes back to knowing your own DNA. So many of them would Okay. Here’s what you need to do. You need to pick 1 thing that you will be known for and 1 industry That you will be known in. So for example, you come from Disney. So how about if you specialize in customer service In healthcare. And their advice was really good and valid and I would leave those Events going I would die. That’s not how I may. I love customer service. I love leadership. I love Team building. I love personal coaching. I love executive coaching. So I had to once again, to thine own self be true, know Who God made me to be and dig into the areas that brought me great joy and Start to create what are the things I really want to do in this new business that I’m creating. And as a part of that, I met Kevin McCarthy who wrote the On Purpose Person and the On Purpose Business, read his books, Felt very aligned with the concept and the philosophies of both of those books. And partly because The on purpose person is all about as you said, you know, knowing your 2 word purpose statement, your vision, your missions, your values, And what’s most important to you right now which when I was managing people at Disney when you have a large staff of People, you probably notice there’s always someone in your office just kind of struggling saying, I I just don’t feel like this is a good fit for me. So you do a lot of work around that. So even though I didn’t have his words to define it, That’s what I was doing with the individuals. On the business side, when I joined Disney, they had just opened Epcot And weren’t quite sure what to do with it. So we did probably 10 years of branding Around Magic Kingdom, Epcot, the studios, Animal Kingdom, the resorts. I mean and in the branding work It was essentially purpose vision mission values. Again, didn’t call it those words but the concepts were the same. So when I read Kevin’s books and started meeting with Kevin, I just thought this is it. I mean, I’ve just Lived this so I became fully immersed in not only discovering my own purpose vision, mission values, but helping other people. And so that has really become probably the most passionate part of my work Because I find the definition of those things and, you know, even as you and I went through the process is so clarifying And so eye opening of Wow God you made me unique. You know you talked about The importance of not comparing ourselves with others and how damaging that can be. So The anecdote to that is knowing who God made me to be and then just being that very best That I can be and allowing everybody else to be their very best and not wishing I was like somebody


Kim Moeller [00:21:43]:


else. You know, I’ve heard it said, from the D words like damaging, depressing, defeating. So So many of those words start with d and we do. We can just kind of spiral downwards when we allow our Mind and our focus to get off, of the truth. And I do have a couple of Kevin’s books right here in in case anyone’s watching on YouTube. We have the On Purpose Person, and then we have this book, the on the workbook On Purpose Piece.


Mary Tomlinson [00:22:15]:




Kim Moeller [00:22:16]:


And I the tournament idea when I went through that with you was so helpful because, you know, I’ve always envisioned life as the Trivial pursuit, little circle thigh and how we have, you know, just the different pieces of pie for the balanced life. So you might have the physical or social or spiritual, and that’s pretty much what you do in your 1 on 1 coaching. You’ll take Each of those areas and let’s just say let’s do the physical side with when we think of, like, one of the pillars of the generous girl podcast is fitness. So If we were to look at that and you think of, like, the NCAA tournament that takes us down to the final 4 and then the ultimate winner, We do. We start in fitness with the 16 areas within fitness. So maybe I put, well, to be fit, I need to drink, you know, A gallon of water or however much water a day or I need to lift weights or I wanna do, like, spin or I wanna do a walk or eat Protein. So all the things that are a part of fitness. And then not that any are less important than the other, but you’re Trying to help the person really see that, you know, at the end of the day, all 16 of those things like, if I’m not drinking enough water, that’s really the problem. We end up with Water as the key thing to focus on because your brain also can’t keep 16 things for fitness, 16 things for spiritual, etcetera. So you You help people really, you know, target what is most important and then to take all those areas of the pie and really think of, If this season of your life, you know, what are you you focused on? And I love that you’re so positive, and I know you shared, you know, your twenties to your thirties We’re, like, as characterized as trauma. Mhmm. So how do you explain to the listener who’s had a lot of trauma in their background, How you, quote, successfully navigated that trauma, like, at the age you are now where It doesn’t hold you back, but you’ve allowed that to be a part of your story that God allowed and to Allowed to make you better and not bitter. How have you done that?


Mary Tomlinson [00:24:30]:


Well, I mean, in many ways it’s taking 1 step at a time. Sometimes we are much wiser looking back and seeing how God carried us Than it is when we are in the middle of it. So in the middle of it, it’s not always easy to have great faith and great peace and, And just kind of waltz right through it. Sometimes you know, I I always say there are some days, even today, where I feel like, the sun is shining and I have my Nike shoes on and I can just run. And there are other days when it is storming in my life And I have these army boots on and I am just trudging through life. I think we have to have grace For the seasons that we are in, but one of the things I think is really important is that whatever season I’m in now, it’s not forever. I mean, every season will change. God is faithful. And there’s a saying that I love that says, when you don’t understand, when you can’t see his hand, trust his heart. So it is just getting through sometimes the real trauma difficult times, One day at a time. I had 1 woman who lost her husband who had, I think it was 4 or 5 children, Say to me, you know what, Mary? It’s not even one day at a time. It’s 1 breath at a time. That’s all I can do right now. And that’s okay. So it I think there is a point of saying okay what I’m in right now is really hard. I love the Psalms because There were some hard times for David and David was very honest with how he felt. And God can take it but we have to keep Trusting that somehow we’re gonna get through this, and someday we’re gonna be able to look back And see that God was there and God carried us. It was interesting before Bill and I were married, after all this trauma in my teens, The priest who was going to marry us said to me, before I do your marriage, I want to do a healing of memories with you. And I said, Okay. What’s that look like? And he said, Okay. I want you to think back to some of the most devastating moments in your life. And so I remember sitting on my bed when I was probably 11 years old the day my mother and my sister left just Full of despair, sobbing, he said, I want you to picture yourself there. And I said, I can see myself there. And he said, I want you now to picture yourself there with Jesus sitting beside you, his arm is around you, He’s crying with you, but he’s with you in that moment. He is with you. And so we went through a whole series of these, But it helped me reframe those really tough moments where I felt terribly alone and that At 11, this was the end of my life. It would never get any better and that my whole life was destroyed. And so it just helps us reframe 1 step at a time and that this isn’t going to be forever and that God is good And you just get through it. And it’s only, I think, sometimes in the reflecting back over our lives, when we see how faithful God has been.


Kim Moeller [00:28:17]:


And like you said, that led you to more fully live into your own two word purpose statement of inspiring hope, Which makes perfect sense because you felt very hopeless. And Yes. As we said, the d words, when you are discouraged or depressed or defeated, Hope is one of the first thing that that leaves the stage, and you feel like, where where is the hope in this picture? But if you can hang on, It is restored, and in time, you know, it does come back. So how does a woman find out her own 2 word purpose statement. Who’s listening to this podcast?


Mary Tomlinson [00:28:54]:

An Assessment

So there’s some things so there is a wonderful assessment that I’ll give you the website to in just a minute For you to, kind of determine your purpose statement. But I want to give 3 things to think about before you go there. And just to be really thoughtful and prayerful about it, the first one is what has always been true about you? So Psalm 139 says that God knit us together in our mother’s womb. So he had a design For us in the womb and purpose is permanent. It does not change over our lifetime. How we live it out can change. But the purpose of our life as God knit us together Is permanent. So the first question is to think about what has always been true about you? So either Reflecting on it yourself or if you think about, you know, if someone were to ask friends or family of yours, what has always been true about them? What are the words that come to mind. We’re just kind of thinking about over time what had what’s always been true about me? The second1, it also kind of, As you look back is thinking about those moments when at whatever age and whatever you were doing. But in that moment, you had all kinds of energy. You could do it all day long. People would say you do that So well and you’d say, I don’t know. It just comes naturally. So that’s kind of when we’re living our purpose or design. It’s just exactly what it needs to be. So that’s the second thing to think about. The third thing to think about Is as we go through our life and we think about what we most want for other people. What do I most want for if I had to boil it down to 1 or 2 words, what do I most want for My husband, my children, my grandchildren, my friends, those that I interact with. If I had to boil it down to 1 word, What might that word be? So in my case, I want people to have hope. And what always happens in the what I most want for someone else Is what I most need in my own life. So if you think about those 3 things, then I encourage individuals to go to On Now this is a website that has a purpose assessment. It is $20 but what you do is Having kind of that reflection in your mind you go to this website and there are actually 2 paths that you can go. 1 is for Christians And one, it does not have any, Christian worldview associated. And really the assessment itself To choose your purpose statement is the same. What’s different is that following you taking that assessment, There’s a series of emails to help you refine your purpose. So understandably, the Christian version has a lot more scripture based And the other does not. So if people, you know, take it themselves or think about others that they would like to encourage to take this assessment. And what you’re doing is you’re choosing a 2 word purpose statement that finishes a sentence I exist To serve by 2 words. So my 2 words I exist to serve by inspiring hope. You exist to serve by encouraging significance and then there are just ways that we really start to understand those words. And so there’s just a clarity and a simplicity and a uniqueness in doing the process. It’s funny. Even when I was at Disney, so you have 70,000 cast members at Walt Disney World in Orlando. They have a 2 word purpose statement. I don’t know that they call it that, but their 2 word purpose statement is, you know, we exist to serve by Disney Creating happiness. Mhmm. So all those employees because of the simplicity of 2 words know, am I creating happiness or not? And on the individual basis, every moment of every day, I can kind of do a check-in to say, Am I inspiring hope in myself and in others? Or am I creating frustration? Or am I creating despair? I mean, it’s just the simplicity of 2 words that we can remember and kind of hold ourselves accountable I mean, how have you found living with your two word purpose statement?


Kim Moeller [00:33:57]:


I think it’s excellent because it is like your North Star. So, You know, we all get asked to do many things, to volunteer or to give to this or to be involved with this. And I think when you Live according to your purpose statement. You know, if you said yes to everything, you wouldn’t be able to really step into and live into your own calling. So for me, it get when I say no, I’m so glad you asked me. Thank you so much, but I really can’t at this point. I’m focused over here, And I know those things that I’m focused on over here are true to encouraging significance. It just I feel like then I’m operating on all cylinders, You know, versus, like, kinda hopping on 1 leg and, you know, what I love, you know, at some of the big churches is they’ll Have people go through and figure out, like, you know, what are your spiritual gifts? What’s your heart, your abilities, your personality, your experience? And then they help people really plug in and have a place.


Mary Tomlinson [00:34:57]:


Oh, god.


Kim Moeller [00:34:58]:


And you can’t see someone, you know, who’s working in the parking ministry and think they should be working in the nursery or someone who’s working in the nursery think that they should be working, you know, in another area because we need everybody, and it for sure takes a huge village, you know, to operate any any large church or even a small church. So I think it it provides clarity. And I know initially, we thought my My two word purpose statement was inspiring hope. But when we figured out, like, encouraging significance For me, resonated so much more because I have enjoyed doing small groups with, like, 6 women, discipleship groups. And the whole purpose of those groups has been spend 6 months together and meet twice a month, but then launch and help Those women step into their calling, and I feel like that really is encouraging, the significance of who they are made to be. And that yes. Really, the purpose of the podcast as we talk about generosity and how it’s woven through these five Pillars of faith, fitness, finances, friendships, and family. And helping a woman see how, you know, her gifts, her calling, When it’s directed in the right direction for her, everything else it’s like a beautiful garden. It just begins to thrive and grow. And I know we haven’t spent that much time at all on this podcast talking about generosity, but that is what we’re gonna talk about on the next episode. So I really wanna encourage the listener to tune in again when our next episode is released in 2 weeks. And Mary It’s gonna kinda show us more how when you understand your two word purpose statement and the generosity component, how you’re gonna feel as if you really are not just surviving in this world, but you’re thriving and doing all that you were you’re made to do. So, Normally, I end the episode with, you know, favorite Bible verse and a book you’re reading and a bargain. Why don’t we just have you share, Mary, Your Bible verse for this one and we’ll save the other 2 for part 2 of this podcast.


Mary Tomlinson [00:37:05]:


So not surprisingly, my life verse is Romans 8 28. And we know that in all things God, well, we read it now. Gotta get it here. We know that in all things, we’re together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according


Kim Moeller [00:37:25]:


to his According to hear his purpose. Yes. Yes.


Mary Tomlinson [00:37:29]:


So that has always been my life first, particularly looking back, but all things work for good.


Kim Moeller [00:37:38]:


Mhmm. Oh, that’s so beautiful. Well, thank you for being here today, and I do encourage everyone to go to the on purpose website, and we will have that in the show notes. Spend $20. It’ll be probably, you know, the best $20 you ever spent to to figure out your 2 word purpose statement. And then tune in next week or in 2 weeks from now when we unpack further what your 2 word purpose statement means in the in the space of generosity. So thanks again, Mary, for being here, and we will continue the conversation.


Mary Tomlinson [00:38:13]:


Great. Can’t wait.


Kim Moeller [00:38:18]:


Thanks so much for joining us today on the Generous Girl podcast. We’re so glad that you’re here. And if you know of someone that you think needs to be a guest on this podcast, Please reach out to us. New episodes are released every other week, and you can follow us on YouTube and on all platforms. Thanks for being here, and we’ll see you next time.













Generous Girl Podcast Hosted By Kim Moeller

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